7 Various Ways To Do Healthy Food

Healthy Food
Healthy Food

Some people try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating mostly fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. Myconehealth is here to help you avoid the sugar, fat, and processed foods that can slow weight loss or lead to heart disease. Here’s what we’ve discovered:

However, you might have heard that it’s important not to always rely on produce to get enough nutrients in your diet. Here are 7 different ways to make healthy food even healthier!

1) Rotate your crops: 

Planting crops in the same area year after year can lead to nutrient limitations since the soil becomes depleted of essential minerals and nutrients. To ensure that you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs while enjoying a more diverse diet, just rotate which crops you grow in different areas of your garden! You could also alternate between plants like chives or peas with broad beans etc.

2) Choose heirloom varieties:

While most of the nutrients in crops are found in the leaves, roots, bulbs, or tubers (which is why it’s often recommended to eat these parts of plants), some nutrients are stored in the seeds. We’ve discovered that by choosing heirloom varieties of plants you can get more micronutrients since they have been naturally selected to be resilient which means they have been bred over centuries to produce higher concentrations of essential micronutrients. So choose an heirloom variety of your favorite crops and you’re sure to get a colorful and more balanced diet!

3) Eat the roots:

While eating the leaves, bulbs and tubers of veggies is great, don’t forget to eat the roots too. Many roots are extremely nutritious. For example, if you have carrots in your garden, eat the green tops (the leaves around the top of the root) but don’t forget to also eat some of their deep orange roots too. In fact, if you have carrots growing in your garden then take a look at this article we wrote about how carrots can help you live longer . And while you’re at it, don’t forget to try growing radishes too! They are known to have anti-inflammatory effects and have been used as a folk remedy for arthritis.

4) Grow fennel:

If you’re a fan of Italian cooking, consider growing fennel next year. Fennel has a more subtle flavour than other members of the anise family (like dill) but it has all the same medicinal properties. In fact, you can even make your own fennel tea by slicing up some seeds and adding them to a Mason jar that contains just boiled water. Place the lid on the jar and leave it in a sunny window until the water is cool. Some people also like to add fennel in green smoothies as it’s known to have carminative properties (it helps improve digestion).

5) Get sandy:

Not all minerals are particularly abundant in soil. Since eating plants grown in sandy soil provides far more minerals than eating plants grown in loamy soil , you should consider adding some sand to your garden beds. However, don’t just take it from your driveway or fill up bags with neighbor’s sand! You can buy sterilized sand from your local garden center or use shells instead.

6) Go for Swedish:

Swedish scientists have reported that growing plants in more alkaline soil (like growing them in Swedish liming sand ) can increase the concentration of calcium found in their leaves. Consequently, adding extra calcium to your diet is particularly important for those who want to prevent or treat osteoporosis . To get the most from these plants, make sure you are also eating plenty of sea vegetables like kelp and dulse .

Also, don’t forget about dairy products! These foods naturally boost calcium absorption and can help improve your overall health too. We’ve discovered that by eating an extra cup of yogurt per day you’ll get 158% of the Daily Value (DV) for calcium. Add in some eggs (although they don’t specifically have a high calcium content, they are rich in protein and lecithin which helps you absorb calcium), and you’re sure to be getting all the daily recommended amounts!

7) Plant a tree:

Finally, if you’re looking to add some color to your garden or perhaps provide a little shade in hotter climates, consider planting fruit trees and berry bushes. Despite the health benefits of some plants listed here, most of them won’t provide as much Vitamin C as citrus fruits like oranges. So if you want to up your Vitamin C intake, try growing an orange tree next year . Or plant lime trees that can help prevent scurvy . 

If you’re looking for a tree that can also help fight cancer, consider trying grape vine or cherry trees. The leaves of these plants are incredibly rich in polyphenols – compounds that have been shown to help reduce the risk of several cancers in animal models.


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