The Etiquette of HIERARCHY

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What’s the difference between a boss, an employee, and a subordinate of deep meaning drawings?

Who’s in charge of an office?

How much power do I have if I’m not officially in charge?

We’ve put together this article to cover these and more questions. Get your answers below!

A boss is one that can hire employees, fire others (employees), give directives to others (subordinates), or make all the decisions themselves. Those who are employed by the company can be fired for any reason and must ultimately answer to their employer. Therefore a subordinate is anyone hired by an employer, who ultimately answers to them.

1. To understand why there are so many different types of bosses, you should know what a boss’s role is in the company. A boss’s role can be to talk to others, make decisions and give direction, or it can be something else. The way any boss operates goes a long way towards telling you who they are, which is why you should always know your boss’s role in the company before making decisions on what to do in your day-to-day work life.

Although every company runs a different kind of hierarchy, every employee must be placed in some kind of category for their job. Sometimes bosses hire employees directly; other times they take on people through agencies or contractors. Regardless, every company has a hierarchy, or a way that people are placed in the company and assigned jobs.

2. If you’ve ever worked for an agency, contractor or even an individual manager whose job it was to do nothing but be the boss , you might have noticed that the more passive the roles of being in charge , the lower down on the pyramid you’d be placed if assigned to work for this person . For example, if someone with no actual responsibilities is given responsibility , they would not only be able to hold onto their position but actually increase their power within the organization.

3. Although they theoretically have the power to hire and fire people , they usually have little to no real power in an organization because they lack decision-making power . However, they most likely still have a lot of influence because it is usually their name that goes on the company’s documents and every employee who reports to them still has to answer to them. Cold hard numbers also come into play: having more people under you means that even if all of them work for you, which is not a given at all, each of your employees still has less responsibility on their shoulders compared to you.

4. To be clear, although they have executive authority , they don’t have any actual decision-making power . Their power is determined by the actual job that they chose to do in the company and not some ruling authority. However, this kind of boss is likely going to be a bigger deal because their decisions tend to be used to make decisions for most of their employees, as well as many groups outside of the company such as suppliers and clients .

5. While bosses are often portrayed in movies and on television series , it’s important to note that most bosses are actually nothing like this . Most bosses are sensible, calm, and reasonable people who care about their staff and do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Bosses don’t have to be angry or difficult to work for for them to be a good boss . In fact, it’s usually the opposite in real life.

6. It’s important to note that if you’re going out of your way to make a person look bad , you will get in trouble with the company because you’ll be seen as a problem employee . Even if they weren’t doing anything wrong before, this will come back to bite you later on when they want an excuse to get rid of you.

7. Although most bosses are still considered ” bosses ” by the general public and are usually seen as the person who everyone reports to in the office, there is a way for them to be given some power . Many bosses will want to become an executive because this will give them more of a say in actual company operations . More importantly, it lets them get their own office , which is often seen as a sign of being more powerful and important than someone who doesn’t have one.

8. One thing to note about being an executive is that this kind of boss may be more inclined to make decisions for you . Although they usually don’t have the authority to make decisions, they can still put your work in their name . This might be because they prefer to get things done from their home rather than the office, or that they don’t have time to do all of it. If a boss does this for you, it’s important to limit what goes in their name as much as possible and only put your work in there if you’re okay with them doing so.


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