Fact Check: 5 Common Misconceptions About Journalists


Millions of people share billions of pieces of information every day on social media and yet the practice is plagued by misinformation. Bloggers, commentators, and anyone with a valuable opinion – we all have something to say. But what if what we’re saying isn’t true? We may think it doesn’t matter because it’s just one opinion, but this type of misinformation has the power to sway opinions and distort discourse. Bikernet news is in the business of finding and telling truths regarding current events. We spend countless hours researching, writing, and fact checking our stories to deliver you the best breaking news. That’s why we are proud to stand up for the truth against all forms of misinformation.

These are just some of the common misconceptions that many people have about the profession of journalism. Every day, I see members of our community share these thoughts and opinions on social media. This can be disheartening and sometimes even scary for some who see journalism as a guaranteed way to make money. In order to help clear up any confusion or fear, here are five facts about journalism you should know. 

5 Common Misconceptions About Journalists :

1. All Journalists Have A Liberal Bias

Although there are many mechanisms that can maintain journalistic integrity and ensure that nothing is taken out of context, bias is still a reality in the media. Reporters are human and even though they strive for objectivity, it’s common for them to have leanings or favoritism. Unfortunately, mainstream media outlets tend to employ journalists who lean liberal. But don’t let their political affiliation sway your opinion of journalists. Look at their experiences and their resumes because these things speak volumes about the type of journalists they are as oppose to what party they may or may not support.

2. Journalists Make Lots Of Money

This couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that most reporters and journalists barely make enough to support themselves let alone their families. In fact, many people who invest years of their lives into journalism end up becoming disillusioned because they never received the compensation they were promised. 

Journalism takes a lot of time and energy away from family and loved ones, so it’s always in a reporter’s best interest to ensure that the publications they work for are paying them fairly. It’s important to push back against publications that aren’t paying writers what their services are worth because this does a disservice to the industry as a whole.

3. Journalists Can Be Bought Off

Nowadays, most people get their news from social media and if your Facebook or Twitter feed is a fair representation of what’s going on in the world, it’s easy to think that journalists can be bought off for a price. However, if you look at the recent Wikileaks scandal, it’s clear that the majority of journalistic outlets aren’t for sale. In fact, many journalists who have supported Wikileaks and Julian Assange have not received any compensation from them simply because they have an ethical responsibility to report accurately and present unbiased stories on issues that are important to their readers.

4. All Journalists Are Liberals

No, it’s not true that all journalists are liberal. There are plenty of journalists who do not adhere to the left-leaning media coverage and they cover controversial topics without any bias at all. It’s unfortunate that people still think that if you don’t side with them on every issue, you are automatically the “other side” of the spectrum and biased. The truth is, sometimes journalists are biased and sometimes they’re not. They’re people just like you and I – with their own set of opinions and biases that may or may not align with yours.

5. You Can’t Trust Anything That’s Published Online

If you see something on social media that makes you question your own views on a particular subject, don’t let it dissuade you from forming your own opinion. Instead, do your own research and look for credible sources to back up what is being said on the page before forming a solid opinion one way or the other. 

If it’s true, great! If it’s not, you’re still right to question what you read. No news is totally true and if social media tools are going to be a part of our future, then we need to accept the fact that there will be fake news from time to time. Just remember that you can use your common sense and look for credible sources before accepting the validity of a story.


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