Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Zagat


Zagat is a restaurant guide with reviews from both chefs and diners. It was named after founder Tim Zagat, who surveyed restaurants by phone for the first edition in 1979. The guide now publishes books, mobile applications and a website that features the latest offerings in food and drinks.

Zagat api surveys can be found in 42 countries, including the United States. In 2002, an online version of Zagat began to offer reviews of local establishments on top of other services like user-submitted restaurant ratings and food blogs. 

What do Insiders have to say?

1. Insiders believe Zagat is a great brand.

They have over 41 million users worldwide. They have a big Facebook following with almost 650,000 fans. They also have over 300,000 followers on Twitter.

It has an urban style and can be used to look up restaurants in cities across the country.

2. Insiders are surprised by Zagat’s mobile presence.

Because it is no secret that the real money is in mobile with the number of people using their phones for everything from getting directions to finding out about movies and restaurants, insiders were surprised that Zagat was not yet a mobile brand.

Zagat is now a free downloadable app for both iPhone and Android devices and can be easily found in the iTunes App Store or on Google Play by searching “Zagat Mobile.” 

3. Zagat is an exciting brand.

Insiders say that Zagat has been doing what they do well and deserves to maintain its ranking among the top brands in the industry. They say that Zagat might be changing how they immerse themselves in their food and drink research, but they think that they will continue to find new ways to innovate their way into the industry.

4. Zagat was created by a former restaurant owner, which means that it actually knows what makes for a good restaurant experience.

From Zagat’s perspective, this gives them a real advantage when compiling information about restaurants because of their intimate knowledge of the dining industry. 

5. Zagat also has information about hard-to-find restaurants.

They have secret menus that can be found through the website or through their mobile app. The insider says that the hard-to-find restaurants that Zagat covers are what most people look for when deciding where to go in a new city.


6. Zagat’s website and app are constantly being updated to reflect what is happening in the industry.

They often bring new things to their website, like photo galleries or live chat forums with other users. The insider says that they update their site often so that as many people as possible can get an accurate picture of what is happening in the food industry in a given location.” 

7. Zagat is a reputable brand.

The insider says that Zagat, being a review site, has one of the most solid reputations in the industry, and a big reason for this is their consistency and their sprawling size. That being said, Zagat should still be considered an independent business and not simply a part of a massive company like Google or Yahoo.

8. They need more reviews.

While insiders think that Zagat’s website and mobile app have great potential, they also think it needs to have more reviews if they want to reach the next level.

Their mobile app can only be accessed by people in major cities, which means that they are missing out on major marketplaces like New York City or Los Angeles.

Their website also has a number of bugs in it, but insiders say that this is not surprising as they are constantly tinkering with their website and app.

9. What can Zagat do to stand out?

The insider says that the best thing that Zagat can do to stand out is to increase its user base even further by hitting big cities like Los Angeles and New York City, which means gaining more overall reviews so they can catch up with their competitors.

Zagat also needs to expand into different types of industries, like movie theaters or hotels. 

They need constant updates to reflect what people are looking for in a particular location or city.

10. What does the future of restaurant ratings look like?

Insiders think that the future of reviews is going to be more focused on user-generated content from readers who want to interact with restaurants. They believe that this will be beneficial for Zagat and for everyone in the industry because it will help guarantee that users get a fair review or a one-sided opinion. 

Because of this, Insiders predicts that Zagat will soon be expanding into other industries, like movie theaters, museums and hotels.


Insiders say that they have a great brand and that Zagat is doing well. They also highly recommend the Zagat brand to their friends and colleagues.

Insiders believe Zagat can continue to grow in the industry for a long time because of its solid reputation, consistency and large user base.


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