How Much Does Lowes Charge to Install a Door?

House doors
House doors

How Much Does Lowes Charge to Install a Door?

Do you want to install an entry door in your home but don’t know how much it will cost? Homeowners have many options for installation, and some of them are more expensive than others. Costs can also vary depending on the size of the door and where it is being installed. 

The average cost of installation differs depending on whether you choose a high-end or low-cost option, so there’s no “average” price tag no matter what section of the country you live in!

This article covers two types of entry lowes door – wood as well as fiberglass – and presents an approximate price range for each type based on research from Lowe’s. When you’re ready to get started, contact the sales associate at your local Lowe’s to discuss your needs. You can also request a free in-home consultation.

How Much Does it Cost to Install a Wood Entry Door?

Choosing wood as your exterior door material may be more than for aesthetic reasons. Compared to fiberglass, wood is more energy efficient, and it offers greater protection from the elements. Both of these benefits play an important role in determining the overall cost of installation, as well as its projected lifespan. 

The Lowe’s site notes that installation usually ranges from $260 to $315 for a wood door up to eight feet tall and six feet wide. For example, some Lowe’s locations report that their high-security storm doors range from around $200 to as much as $600 or more when installed by professionals.

What Factors Influence the Cost of Installation?

How much you spend depends on the size and type of door. For example, individual panels may be installed at a cost of $15 to $30 each, or two-by-sixes may cost between $40 and $50 each, depending on the store’s location. In some areas, installation of certain types of doors may be free, and professionals are often willing to install all types for a set fee.

Different materials also create an impact on labor costs: panel doors will require less work than solid wood or glass doors for example. Why? Because different materials require different tools. Professionals will use special saws and other power tools to operate on panels, while glass doors may require special drill bits.

They’ll also charge more to install storm doors with deadbolts, locks or glass panes. Entry doors made of steel may cost $50 more than those made of wood; and fiberglass can cost $75 to $80 more than wood. These prices are based on Lowe’s fees for installation, but they do not include additional charges for materials or other costs that may be required to safeguard the structure against rot or weather damage.

What About Fiberglass Entry Doors?

If you prefer a fiberglass door because of its energy efficiency, then you’re making an excellent choice. Fiberglass doors are made of a lightweight, durable material that is similar to wood. This doesn’t mean they’re strong enough to replace wood doors in buildings that are older than 50 years old, but they do offer a level of security that wood can’t match.

If you want your fiberglass door to shut out cold air in the winter and heat in the summer, there are two things you’ll need: weather stripping and insulation. The more gaps there are between the door and its frame, the more cold air will be able to pass through; however, this may be negated by installing insulation on the exterior of your home. Insulation can also help if your fiberglass door experiences problems with humidity, which will weaken its strength.

What Are the Benefits and Disadvantages of Fiberglass?

Fiberglass has a lot of advantages if you’re looking for a durable, low-maintenance door that can give you lots of peace of mind. The biggest advantage is that it will never warp, rot or crack. Fiberglass doors are also pretty easy to clean, although you may need to hire a professional for this task because they’re pretty heavy. Fiberglass entry doors won’t rust or stain like wood.

The biggest disadvantage to fiberglass is the price. Fiberglass doors will cost you more than wood, but if appearance is important to you, fiberglass might be a good choice. Fiberglass doors can also be a bit more difficult to fit into your existing frame, so you may need to use wider jambs or a different frame altogether.

How Do I Get My Fiberglass Door Installed?

Because fiberglass is considered an exterior material, it must be installed by professionals on the outside of your home. If you plan on having gold-toned frames, never paint the frames; this could leave toxic residue in the future and contaminate your home’s interior paint.

 Fiberglass doors can be installed by anyone with basic skills, but they are best left to professionals who have access to the tools that are required for this job.


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