How to Write Controversial Research Paper Topics with Confidence

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Instead of plunging into contentious research subjects blindly, it is essential to first understand the purpose and necessity of such issues. These subjects allow you to discuss matters that would usually be avoided due to the risk of offending someone or saying the incorrect thing. However, this does not mean that such issues should be swept under the rug and ignored. For example, marijuana legalization or gun control enforcement. These are only a few of the morally contentious issues that must be addressed.

Addressing controversial issues

Perhaps you still don’t see the sense in addressing disputes when they merely appear to add to your problems. However, if schools begin psychologically training children to be able to discuss contentious subjects in a civilized manner and listen to one another, because if children are educated to discuss such topics from an early age, they are more likely to be a valued asset to the country in the future. You might be wondering how on earth that is possible. So allow us to provide you with foresight.

Before we proceed, you should know that you can use the service of a professional paper writer to write your essay on any controversial subject.

When you provide a secure environment at your school where children may engage in discussion and discuss it in a respectful manner, you are helping them to develop. Instead of resorting to violence, schools should teach kids the virtue of patience, the value of human rights, and how to use their freedom of speech without harming others.

Examples of controversial research topics

Here are some examples of problematic research paper topics and how to approach them like a pro.

Religious Freedom: Most governments across the world allow people to practice any religion they want, regardless of where they live. However, even in the twenty-first century, there are situations where the aforementioned right is simply fictitious and not strictly enforced. Instead, fanaticism has taken the place of religious freedom. Despite the First Amendment, there is no disputing that America has been selective in identifying leaders who will completely serve the country based on their faith. When you point out that religious freedom does not imply employing someone based on bias, many people find it insulting.

The Theory of Evolution: When Charles Darwin announced that humans evolved from apes, the world was stunned. There are mostly two reactions to it: Americans either consider its potential or are revolted and find it repulsive. In principle, the wedge stems from the religious disagreement that God created humans. Thus begins the endless argument and conflict between science and faith. Master papers has some of the most qualified writers who can handle such sensitive subjects in the most professional way possible.

Black Lives Matter: BLM is a political movement that began in order to combat police violence against Black people. The movement gained traction in the previous year after a number of incidents were revealed, culminating in public outrage and nationwide rallies. People are outraged that such police personnel can kill a black person in broad sight and face no consequences. Advocates are furious that a society that preaches freedom does not practice it when it comes to the Black community. It has also generated discussions about white supremacy.

Cancel Culture: With social media, it has become simpler for people to criticize others for their conduct or even for anything they say about a difficult issue. It has led to a boycott of celebrities, powerful individuals, businesses, and even politicians. People appear to be working hard to exercise their right to free expression. As a result, various hashtags on social media sites have condemned sexual assault, racial remarks, and rape. For example, the #MeToo Movement was launched to empower the aforementioned afflicted women. Cancel culture has subsequently been used to address past inequity and make people accountable for their wrong deeds.

Privacy Rights: One of the numerous rights granted by America to its citizens is the right to privacy. However, it has now provided them with several reasons to mistrust that their privacy has been compromised. Under the guise of national security, the US government chose to expand its mass monitoring. Many individuals, though, feel it is a deception. They are further alarmed when they learn that private companies such as Google and Facebook have been collecting data and that the government may be purchasing it from them. Sure, it may be a conspiracy theory or something. However, the shadow of uncertainty continues to expand, which is concerning.

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Suggestions for contentious research paper topics

Here are some ideas for controversial research paper topics:

Understand the aim

People are likely to already have an opinion regarding the issue you’ve written about, so be sure you approach this circumstance in such a manner that the reader manages to take away a few crucial elements from your write-up at the end of the day.

Stick to the facts

You must be careful not to digress from providing facts and begin weaving your own tale. After all, your integrity and reputation are on the line. As a result, double-check all of your points before writing them down.

Avoid using clichés

Nobody enjoys using clichés. If a contentious issue has been discussed, do not dwell on it. Investigate alternative solutions that no one else has considered. Create your own writing method and avoid following the most contentious issues.


Patrick Green is a die-hard workaholic. Last semester, he has done more than fifty essays, a dozen term papers, and two Master’s level dissertations. Unfortunately, Patrick doesn’t know how to write bad essays. So it’s either a good essay, great, or excellent. With Mr. Green working on your order, it’s safe to say that there’s nothing to worry about because work will be done well in time! 


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