Ten Secrets That You Shouldn’t Know About Mokim

celia lara licon
celia lara licon

The Mokim are a race of beings with four arms and two legs who live in a mysterious realm that humans cannot enter. They’re able to manipulate any form of energy and make themselves almost invulnerable by warding themselves off from the natural world. Many speculate that they may be an early civilization that was at war with another civilization like Atlantis.

Ten Secrets That You Shouldn’t Know About Mokim :

1. They Are the Ancient Ancestors of Humans

Mokim are believed to be an advanced civilization who came before the formation of Earth but are similar in appearance to humans. They were a race of giant superhumans with four arms and two legs. The only way they could reproduce was through genetic modification and keeping their bloodline pure – which is one reason why they’re so physically different from humans today.

2. They Attacked Earth – but Not Because They Wanted it

Mokim were an aggressive race and actively hunted down other life in the universe. Because they lived in a hostile environment and were accustomed to fighting with their own kind for survival, they didn’t bother to make many friends. Their settlement on Earth was not by choice but rather by force. The story goes that they plundered a planet (that may have been Asgard) and used its resources as well as its inhabitants as slaves until they could no longer fight back against them. 

3. They Possess Superhuman Senses

The Mokim’s senses were so advanced that they could see into the future and knew when events were going to happen before they did. Their two eyes weren’t focused on the same point until yet another advanced race from a parallel dimension attacked them and destroyed their home planet, wiping out many of them in the process. This attack made the Mokim fear for their safety and their home, so they began to split up in small groups and hide. 

4. They Were at War with the Gropos

The Mokim went through a great deal of trouble to keep their existence hidden from other planets that they came across during the war. One of the planets they found was very modernized, with a highly developed version of Earth’s technology. They wanted to conquer the planet in order to harness its resources, but Mokim technology wasn’t compatible with it. 

5. They’re One of Many Alien Races on Earth – One of Which Is Called Earthen

Many different alien races have lived on Earth throughout history. The Gropos didn’t just drive the Mokim away, but they also destroyed them. One of the many races which lived on Earth was called Earthen, who were a peaceful group of beings but adapted to the war that raged around them. The Earthen had white hair and powerful technology. The Mokim, on the other hand, had dark eyebrows and purple eyes as well as strange weapons such as large energy shields.

6. The Mokim Are a Distant Relative of the Ancient Egyptians

Many humans believe that the Ancient Egyptians were influenced by the Mokim because they were similar to them in many ways. There are even records of their existence on Earth long before the time of Moses. In fact, the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender even referenced this ancient race in one episode. The idea was that mysterious invaders known as Fire Nation sailed through Mongolian waters and conquered other cultures, including Egyptians, whose bodies were found preserved in special crystal chambers (the same way mummies are kept in Egypt).

7. They Had a Special Pocket Dimension Called “Mok-Wak”

When the Mokim were driven out of their home planet, they used an advanced dimension to live in for thousands of years. It was made from pure energy and was separate from the natural world – like a cocoon that shielded them from physical harm. The dimension was called Mok-Wak, which is where the members of the Mokim race currently reside. 

8. They Used Magic to Survive

The Mokim are not simply advanced, they are magical as well. They have the ability to use magic, teleport at will, and have unique mental skills that allow them to control other beings’ minds. They were able to integrate their technology seamlessly into their lives so that they could telepathically control vehicles that could move at super-high speeds. The Mokim also had a special energy weapon that could either destroy an enemy or render it unconscious instantly.

9. They Were Challenged to a Race by the Gropos

The Mokim were powered by their magic, so they were able to travel at incredible speeds even though they lived in a harsh environment. This was how they had been able to escape from other planets and protect themselves from their enemies. In the episode “Ming-Hai”, the Mokim challenge an alien race who are just as powerful as them to a race through space. The Gropos must protect the Mokim in order for them to win, because if the aliens won, there would be no more races on Earth.

10. They Have Mental Abilities

One of the many abilities that the Mokim possess is the ability to read minds and control them. They can also do this with machines and other races as well. They know how to use their technology to enhance their mental abilities so they can make people see things or hear voices that aren’t real. They are also able to control all machinery through the use of telekinesis, which is when a person uses his or her mind to move objects without touching them. 


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