The best fiction novels to read!

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This article is for those of you who want to read a good novel and for those of you who like reading novels.

 We’ll give an overview of the best past novels and talk about why we think it’s the best.

 Each language will have their own list, with the most famous writers in that language, and we’ll also include books from other languages as well because we’re just too kind to not give everyone a chance at reading these amazing series. 

So without further ado, this Clean ERSJ tells us about our top 8 favorite fiction novels:

1. “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R Tolkien – 

This is the classic fantasy novel of all time.

 It’s a trilogy and it’s got such a massive following that everyone knows what it’s about (though not everyone will like it, which is why it’s number one on our list). 

The fact that this book was written over 60 years ago doesn’t stop the books from being able to stand out to today’s readers. 

It might be old, and the tropes might be familiar, but this story of good and evil and good triumphing over evil is timeless and full of life lessons for us all.

2. “The Fellowship of the Ring” by J.R.R Tolkien –

 This book is the second book in the trilogy and it’s about the hobbits Frodo and Sam leaving to destroy the ring that has been in their family for three hundred years. 

Three friends are forced to go on an epic journey through Middle-earth trying to stop this evil ring that will try to seduce them with its power.

 It is a journey that you want to take with these hobbits, because they are so heroic, they really are.

3. “The Hobbit” by J.R.R Tolkien – 

All the people who like the Lord of the Rings series really want to read this book. 

It’s short and it is a children’s book, yet it is filled with adventure and excitement and wonder.

 Bilbo Baggins goes on an adventure in his home, with all the dwarves and wizards that live in his little hobbit hole. 

It’s like Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings, but without all of that deep anger or world-destroying elements that you find in LOTR.

4. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J.K Rowling – 

This one is a classic because everyone knows about Harry Potter and this book marked the beginning of a massive fandom.

 It was the first book in a series of seven, and it’s about a boy wizard who’s going to Hogwarts to learn magic from good old Professor Dumbledore. 

The first two books were amazing, but after the third one things really started to fall apart for me personally.

 However, you can’t tell how much I love this series from how much I praise it here.

5. “The Wheel of Time” by Robert Jordan – 

This is another long epic novel that takes place in both modern times and modern fantasy times as well as ancient history. 

The story starts with a young man named Rand al’Thor who is called to help save the world from the Dark One. 

The Dark One is basically what you would think of as Satan, or perhaps an Anti-God, but not exactly. 

It’s a mature story with mature themes so if you’re looking for something to read that’s deep and complex, this is it.

6. “Discworld” by Terry Pratchett – 

This was one of my favorite series growing up because it has everything! It has magic, dragons, trolls, witches, dwarves, giants and all sorts of fantastic things.

 The main character, the wizard Rincewind, is just a man who loves to mess up and isn’t very good at anything. 

He’s an incredibly funny character that you can’t help but love because of his stupidity, but he usually saves the day or gets out of a bad situation in the end.

7. “Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins – 

Yes, this is another one of those straight-up YA books about teenagers killing each other for sport. 

It’s about Katniss Everdeen who is forced to compete in a Hunger Games against twenty other young adults. 

It’s a dark and twisted novel that deals with many adult themes such as politics and war. 

The thing that separates this from other books in its genre is that even though it deals with death and suffering, it still retains a sense of innocence and naivety in its characters (this is in the books, not necessarily in the movies).

8. “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” by Rick Riordan – 

This was another one of my childhood favorites because I really like mythology. 

Percy Jackson is a demigod son of Poseidon, who has to go to Camp Half-blood to learn how to be both human and god at the same time. 

He and his friends go on all sorts of grand adventures, battling gods and monsters alike. I love the sarcasm in the series, it’s so funny to read. 

I love all of Rick Riordan’s books, he’s a good author who writes about mythical creatures in modern settings.


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