This Is How On-page SEO Will Look Like In 10 Years Time


As you might be aware, On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing your website’s content for search engine bots and users (read: the users who are searching for your products or services). In this article, we share our predictions for how on-page SEO will evolve in the future.

This Is How On-page SEO Will Look Like In 10 Years Time :

1. Title Tags Will Be Annoying

Currently, Google reviews the content on your website. And Google ranks the content of your website based on their various features such as Authority, Trust, and Backlink profile (among others). But in the future, Google will start taking into account your title tags to determine the quality of your website’s content. 

The problem is that out of thousands of websites, only a few get ranked by Google. So if you leave a strong title tag for ten years (like we do at SEO basics), then your site might get penalized for many years in the future due to lack of backlinks from high authority websites.

2. Heavy Meta Descriptions Will Become A Problem For Google

When we started our company, we used to write a very detailed meta description. But later on, we found out that Google is no longer using the meta description as a ranking factor (as it used to before 2014). However, in the future Google will take the meta description more seriously for ranking your website.

 And if any website has a strong and informative meta description but lacks quality content, then that site might get penalized by Google. So if your site’s content is not up to mark but has a well-written meta description, then you are in trouble.

3. Page Titles Will Become A Problem

In the future, Google will start taking into consideration the titles of your pages for ranking purposes. So if you want to rank in the first page for a keyword, then you need to focus on getting quality content and optimizing your titles for that keyword. 

So make sure that people can find your site easily with a click. And if you want more traffic, then you need to optimize your site’s content for social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (in this article we talk about how to rank better on Google).

4. Page Speed Will Become A Problem For Your Ranking

In the future, Google will start taking into account the speed of your website’s loading time. And for that reason, Google will start penalizing websites which take more than 0.5 seconds to load. After all, not everyone has unlimited bandwidth (like us). 

So in the future, you might have to worry about your loading time being slower than a competitor’s site because you might be penalized by Google for slow-loading sites.

5. Google Chrome Will Become More Influential As A Ranking Factor

Google is a search engine. And people always want Google to know whenever they are searching for something (even if they are not searching for something). So in the future, Google Chrome will become more influential as a ranking factor. But that means that through Google Chrome you will be able to find a lot of your competitors’ backlinks on the Internet. 

And that is because Google Chrome allows you to view your competitors’ content in order to get some ideas on how they are ranking. But we do not think that Google will penalize websites which are focused on optimizing their content using the On-page SEO techniques we talked about in this article.

6. Local Search Will Become A Problem For Ranking

Since Google is getting serious about their local search results, then in the future you might have to worry about your local search rankings. And that means that you need to focus on your region specific keywords and rank your website higher than competitors based on your region specific backlinks profile (and authority).

7. Backlink Data From Third Party Tools Will Be Deemed Dangerous For Your Rankings In The Future

In 2014, one of our clients decided to investigate their competitor’s backlink data from third party SEO tools. And that is because those backlink data have a huge impact on their rankings. But in the future, third party SEO tools like Moz, Majestic SEO, Ahrefs and SEMrush will not be of any use to you because they will be deemed dangerous for your rankings by Google.

8. Keyword Stuffing Will Become A Problem For Your Rankings

Google has started taking into account your site’s content as well as its design And if your content & design are not up to the mark, then you might get penalized by using the On-page SEO techniques we shared in this article.


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