Treatment options for Tongue Tie


Tongue-tie can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition, especially when it prevents saliva from flowing freely from your mouth and into your lungs. This article will give you an overview of the two most common treatment options for tongue-tie: surgery or breastfeeding.”.

The following is an informative blog post about Tongue Tie treatment options and what to expect once the condition has been identified. The blog post covers the various approaches to tongue tie treatment, including what they entail and their success rates. The post also includes some helpful tips on preparing for a tongue-tie surgery and what to expect afterwards.

1. How can I know if it’s a tongue tie?

a. The first indicator of tongue-tie is the inability to breastfeed without pain. If you’re breastfeeding and experience pain when you suck on your baby, it’s probably a tongue-tie.

b. Diagnosis happens during the office visit when your doctor checks the anatomy of your mouth and listens to your baby’s cry while he nurses (see picture above). Tongue-tie occurs when the tongue isn’t able to move freely; thus your baby can’t get milk out from behind his/her tongue and his/her mouth is consequently very sore which leads to excessive crying and low stamina for breastfeeding.

c. If your doctor finds a looseness of the tongue, tongue tie is discovered. A simple test will be performed by inserting the tongue blade between your teeth to allow maximum movement of your tongue to the back of your mouth. Only after this will your doctor examine the alignment and look for short frenular ligament. If there is proper alignment, then your doctor will start a regular H-R approach (

2. What’s wrong with tongue tie?

a. Tongue-tie often leads to hand feeding because babies cannot suck properly and thus struggle to get adequate nutrition from their mother’s breasts.

b. Tongue-tie increases breastfeeding problems, like nipple soreness and pain. Babies who have tongue-tie have trouble latching; it’s very difficult for them to move their tongues around due to the bond (often a frenulum) that restricts their movement.

c. Tongue-tie can also cause speech problems such as mispronunciation of words, thus your child may not be able to say certain sounds properly because his tongue wasn’t able to move properly during his early years. Examples include /l/ which is mispronounced as “w” or /s/ which is pronounced as “sh”. This may be difficult for some children as they get older and try to speak fluently .

d. Tongue-tie can cause many other problems, as well. Ears, lips, teeth and gender traits may all be affected. There is also a risk of apnea which causes the baby to stop breathing if they are breastfed.

e. Tongue Tie Surgery can also be linked with certain medical conditions such as hydrocephalus, tongue cancer and cleft palate repair or babies who have undergone cancer treatment . For some of these children, tongue-tie cannot be corrected because of these underlying health issues which is why alternative methods for treatment are available

3. What does it feel like?

a. Any breastfed baby with tongue-tie can tell you about the pain and frustration. Babies who suck on their mothers’ nipples feel discomfort, frustration, and it can even cause a great deal of stress for both the mother and child.

b. Babies with tongue-tie are very frustrated because they want to feed as much as possible which is why they struggle against their mother’s breast. They begin to modify how they move their tongues to get adequate nutrition – but it often comes at the expense of their gums.

c. If a baby doesn’t have proper tongue movement, he/she tends to bite down in an effort to get around not being able to get enough nutrition from his/her mothers’ breasts.


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