What are symptoms of a Tongue Tie?


A Tongue Tie is a medical condition that can affect the muscles in your mouth and the tongue. This article will detail what symptoms typically happen, which doctors usually perform this procedure, and how to help it once you find yourself suffering from one. Check out this article to learn more! 

What are symptoms of a Tongue Tie?

A tongue tie is a type of congenital defect present at birth and can be described as an abnormal tie-like constriction in any number of tissues that hold your tongue down against the floor of your mouth. The most common cause is trauma during birth, although there are other less frequent causes. Because the tongue is an essential part of normal speech and oral communication, a tongue tie may require surgical treatment. In many cases, it can be managed by speech, occupational and physical therapy.

Symptoms of a Tongue Tie include:

• Having trouble getting their tongue all the way out past their teeth. 

• Trouble making certain sounds clearly, especially sibilant sounds like s and z. 

• A high-arched palate (roof of the mouth) or an extra piece of tissue in that area called a trough or cleft palate. 

• Trouble eating because they can’t move food around in their mouth very well and don’t have enough saliva to help them swallow properly.

Doctors usually perform the procedure:

The procedure usually takes about 10 minutes. It is done in a doctor’s office or other outpatient center, using local anesthetic. The surgeon cuts the tongue tie and releases the tongue. After that, your child won’t have any pain from a tongue tie unless he bites his tongue or lip, which can happen if his lingual frenulum is too short and tight. Your child may still need some therapy to help him say sounds that were hard to make before the surgery.

How to help it:

If you think your son has a tongue tie and is having trouble feeding or breathing, talk to your doctor. If the frenulum is very tight and abnormal, surgery can be done within the first month of life. Your child’s doctor may not give you a definite diagnosis until he or she can evaluate your child’s mouth after they are born. Don’t worry if your doctor says that this is normal at first. Some children get completely better with therapy and don’t need surgery at all, while others need some simple surgery at an early age followed by speech therapy later to learn how to make sounds correctly.


Tongue tie is a medical condition that can affect the muscles in your mouth and the tongue. It can be described as an abnormal tie-like constriction in any number of tissues that hold your tongue down against the floor of your mouth. The most common cause is trauma during birth, although there are other less frequent causes. Because the tongue is an essential part of normal speech and oral communication, a tongue tie may require surgical treatment.


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