Makerspace is a physical place where people work collaboratively to design and create things. What exactly does a makerspace need? A lot, so you’ll have to start planning early. Here’s a list of the maker-relevant materials from The Hit-Men Site that will get you started on building one:

A Craft Desk
You should consider purchasing this for your workspace, as it is by far the most important tool of any makerspace. This piece of furniture can help keep your workspace safe from those dangerous little accidents that happen when kids are around. With the addition of a tabletop, you also get great storage opportunities to fit your needs.
A Workbench or Work Surface
Have your choice of work surface materials. Some prefer wood because it is sturdy and versatile; others like metal for its cleanliness. An open level floor will be great for working on electronics circuits, programming robots, or doing any other kind of workshop where you need access to open space. You can even custom make your own work surfaces if you like (see below).
Time-lapse camera
This handy tool is extremely important, especially for those who want to take video tours of their workspace to share with potential donors or volunteers. It also comes in handy when you want to document the build process of a project.
Power Needs
Your craft desk can hold a few power tools, but you will need additional power supplies if you want to perform any electrical work during the construction of your makerspace. Many people choose to set up their Makerspace on a separate circuit from their regular household one, which is fine as long as it’s within acceptable voltage levels.
You will almost certainly want lights for your workplace if you plan on performing any woodworking or metal working projects, so consider useful lighting solutions such as shop lights and work lamps.
Depending on the type of work you do, you will need to consider whether or not you need security for your workspace. Most makerspaces will not need this, but there are other elements to consider such as insurance.
You may choose to add carpeting to your workspace if you plan on doing a lot of work with electronics. This will keep the mess from messing up your floor.
You will need quite a few cables for any kind of electronics work you perform. Some of the most common include Ethernet, Ethernet patch, power cables, and USB cables.
Cables & Wires
Your makerspace will need a lot of wires and wires in general because they are extremely useful when it comes to performing electrical work. You can find these at the hardware store and the like.
Cabinets & Shelves
Cabinets and shelves can come in handy for any project you might be working on, so it’s wise to make sure your workspace is equipped with an ample supply of them.
Cardboard & Foam Board
You will need quite a bit of space to perform projects that require a lot of assembly such as cardboard and foam board.
A necessity if you want to record progress on certain projects; whiteboards are important even if your workspace is only going to have a few users.
Storage Drawers
If you are going to store a lot of items around your workspace, you will need storage drawers. You can find these at retail stores.
These are useful for getting high enough to reach things on the top shelf, so consider investing in a few if you have a high ceiling.
Ladders & Scaffolding
If your workspace is big, you may need additional help getting around it. Ladders and scaffolding are useful for this purpose.
Outlets & Power Strips
Your power strips can come in handy if you decide to build any electronics projects that require multiple power sources or output ports. They are available at hardware stores or online at websites such as eBay .
Pencils, Pens, and Markers
You will need these for any work that involves writing or drawing.
Get sticky labels and you can label all the items in your storage drawers and cabinets to keep your workspace organized.
Plastic Bags
Since you cannot control when you will be working with different kinds of debris such as metal shavings and other waste, make sure you have plenty of plastic bags to contain them in.
Cleaning Supplies
You can never have too many cleaning supplies; get sticky brushes, sponges, paper towels, and the like if your space is going to be frequently used.
Your makerspace should be insured by your business or organization like other assets. You may also want to make sure that the other people in the space are also covered.
Even though it’s a lot of work, setting up a space where people can be creative and develop original ideas is well worth it! Planning your workspace in advance will help ensure that everything comes together properly while keeping things like security and safety in mind, too.