What We Didn’t Know About Trainual Saas Until Now


Trainual is the latest brainchild of “alumni ” from Lyft, Google and Facebook. Trainual saas 27m series altos venturesl was a true joint effort with experienced engineers who have spent years at tech giants such as Facebook and Google, working to quench the thirst of budding entrepreneurs out there who are looking not just to start a failing company, but rather succeed.

1. Trainual is not another AID platform

The thing is, many of us have seen or heard of other aid platforms, with hugely successful track records. The difference is that Trainual was built from the ground up to solve a specific niche. As you might have guessed by now, we are all about helping “actual” startups succeed rather than making an AID platform that caters to students who are already established in their careers. The crux of it? We take a lot of pride in providing personalized services to those who need assistance and guidance through the startup journey and this is the reason why we are not expanding beyond our current scope and focus in the long run.

2. Trainual isn’t an AID platform, it’s more of a “accelerator”

We are not an AID company, we are more of a bootstrapped accelerator type project. This is because real startups needed to be the main focus of the platform and as such, any other kind of projects (AID, MSP) would have been catered for as secondary services to our main product which is all about helping entrepreneurs succeed and scale up their ideas. The reason why we chose not to do any other service is because, frankly speaking, we don’t have enough resources to cater for two services that require different skill sets and expertise.

3. Trainual is a real startup, not some incubator or accelerator

This is one thing that we’re quite proud of and not many people know about us. We are an actual startup and not a mere incubator or accelerator service. Our team has been working passionately for the past couple of years on a product which we finally launched at the beginning of 2016 in Singapore. If you’re wondering why we only launched it in Singapore, it’s because we prioritized our own country’s entrepreneurs first before expanding it to other markets such as Indonesia and Philippines (we are now open for new applicants for all three countries).

4. Trainual is not just for startups with less than a million dollars in funding

We do not cater for young students and those who are looking for some kind of assistance from their parents’ pockets. The reason why we have this limitation? Because we only want those who have already spent years working on their startups and who have built their own brand name. We do not want to help them build “nothing” because it’s expensive to bring in new products, new ideas, and ultimately re-build everything that they’ve gone through so far. Of course, we did provide support to those who were limited by funding but they could only be funded if they were able to prove that they could be successful without enough funding.

5. Trainual isn’t about funding, it’s about training

If you’ve read the “About Us” section of Trainual, you’ll learn that this is more of a training program than anything else. We did not fail to mention that we are able to give out small funding assistance but it is only intended for non-essential or non-productive purposes (such as marketing and advertising).

6. Trainual is not another AID company and this should be obvious by now

It’s obvious right? We are a startup accelerator and we were never an AID platform, there’s no way we could have been if we were always so particular about the kind of projects that we wanted to bring on board for our training program.

7. Trainual is more like an MBA with a specialized education on startups and entrepreneurship

This is the best way to describe what Trainual is all about. Our training program will cover different topics such as how to manage cash flow, how to plan your finances, how to select the right partners, testers and co-founders and so on. The reason why we clump up all these startups into a single package? Because there are people who are not just looking for cash but rather guidance from someone who understands that it’s not easy picking up everything as you go along. Trainual will help them learn essential skills from experts so that they would be able to survive and succeed in the long run.

8. If you want to apply for Trainual, you must have a minimum of 6 months of experience in startups

We have a fairly stringent requirement when it comes to applying for our program. Not only must you have at least 6 months of experience in startups, but you also need to pass a test that we have created. This is called the “Trainual Challenge” and all successful applicants will get to be part of this exclusive program. The reason why we’ve set such a high bar is because those who haven’t worked on startups before would not easily pass our challenge test. Our test is one that only veteran startup founders and those who are qualified enough to be invested into some startup programs will be able to complete it successfully.


Trainual isn’t your typical AID platform. It’s more like an accelerator program or bootstrapped training program that covers many different topics that would benefit startups and entrepreneurs along their journey. We only work with those who have experienced the ups and downs of a startup in the real world because only they know what it feels like to fail, learn, grow and succeed in this business.


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