Frequently Asked Questions About a Wheelchair Lift

Wheelchair Lift

If you have a family member that uses a wheelchair all the time, it can be difficult carrying them up the stairs. In some cases, you may need one more person to help carry your family member across the stairs because of how heavy they are. No need to fret because you can install a wheelchair lift and avoid spending minutes carrying them. 

You can find many people using wheelchair lifts because of how they can make their lives easier. They also do not have to rely on people helping them get up to the second floor of their house or building because of the lift. If you are new to using a wheelchair lift or planning to buy one, you might have questions about it before doing so.

FAQ #1: Does the wheelchair lift installation require a professional?

If it is your first time using a wheelchair lift, it would be best to let the professionals handle the installation. They have years of experience with the job, ensuring that they do not mess up the installation. There are many components of the wheelchair lift that will confuse any person who has not had the proper training and experience. 

It is highly advised that you never install wheelchair lifts because of their extensive and complicated system. There have been several instances when inexperienced people would do the installation themselves and would end up damaging the lift or injuring the person using the lift. Never think twice about giving the installation job to experts. 

FAQ #2: How many times should the wheelchair lift be maintained?

At one point, the wheelchair lift will start experiencing several issues that can prevent it from working properly. It might suddenly stop in the middle of the stairs, and you need to wait for a few seconds until it moves again. That is one of the many indications that you can expect with a wheelchair lift, so it would be best to have it maintained from time to time. 

The best time to maintain wheelchair lifts is after every six months. In most cases, lift technicians will inspect the lift if any squeaking noises should not be there. They will also inspect the computer and electronics of the lift if any underlying issues could cause the lift not to function anymore. 

FAQ #3: Can the wheelchair fit two people?

There are wheelchair lifts that can make two wheelchairs fit, while some can only work for one person. Before another person rides along with the wheelchair lift with you, talk to the technicians who installed the lift to give you an answer if it can handle two people. You should never go beyond the maximum capacity of the wheelchair lift because there is a big possibility that the lift will get destroyed. 

If your lift gets damaged, you should expect to spend a lot on repairs because technicians may need to replace most broken parts. If your home has children, you need to educate them that they should not be playing with the wheelchair lift to prevent it from breaking right away. 

When you have a wheelchair lift installed, it will be easy for a wheelchair user to use the stairs without a problem. They do not have to call anyone to help them up because they can do it with a single push of a button.  


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