
For several years now, everything related to blockchain technology has caused a stir in the world, reaching everyone’s ears and even in the most hidden corner of the planet. Blockchain technology is here to stay and will cause a more significant impact than when the INTERNET appeared. We will all benefit, IF ALL, which person or company, bringing global benefits for all.

Blockchain as an indispensable contribution to the digital world

The blockchain has been considered one of the most significant technological advances, becoming the fourth industrial revolution. It can be said that the origin of this advance was with the creation of the cryptocurrency BITCOIN, which has allowed its protocol to be used to make thousands of things worldwide and determine the value of Bitcoin.

Although we have already adapted and are lovers of the INTERNET OF INFORMATION, which tells us everything we ask and always has an answer.

Well, now is the surrender time to a new technology that is valuable for its concept and the applications that have been created in your environment, and the benefit they will bring to finance and the world economy.

Its concept as such is complex, but, in a summarized way, it is considered the INTERNET OF VALUE; it is a database that is not in one place but is distributed in various parts of the world, 

it is like an identical and duplicated accounting book infinite times with the same information in each node generated and where all users can see the same thing. 

Once a block operation is generated, it is indelible, and whoever finds a solution, that block becomes part of the chain.

Characteristics of the apps used for 2022

Blockchain will replace trust with mathematical truth, that is, 1 + 1 = 2. Everything is transparent and auditable on this platform. By 2022 we will find a diversity of applications that will allow intelligent contracts in cryptocurrencies.

That will represent the boom in financial and technological operations. The databases linked to smart contracts will be the fulfilled conditions where humans will not have to move a single paper, saving paperwork and paperwork in processes that today are even cumbersome and annoying.

Blockchain has become a silent leader that offers its users security in executing digital operations and the exchange of crypto assets. We have already seen some trends this year, and here is what you can expect from the crypto universe in 2022.


Although recently the one who has exposed the subject on a larger scale is Mark Zuckerberg, with the Facebook Metaverse, this virtual reality that is compared to science fiction is not just a topic of now; tasks are already being executed on the web where the user is required of virtual reality

The metaverse is not only an interrelation between the world of cryptocurrencies and virtual reality. It is important to note that although the virtual market and its applications are not 100% guaranteed, many companies, including institutions, are taking advantage of the generation of virtual resources to leave adapting to a new digital world.


Can you visualize playing your preferred game and getting paid for it? GameFi is where money-making and financial decisions meet entertaining and imagination.

Blockchain technology has undergone very high progress in recent years, allowing the interconnection of thousands of users who seek the same goal, 

That is nothing more than earning money while having fun, without having to be in an office meeting a schedule and executing endless tasks that will not generate the same profitability as using applications such as Axie Infinity and Crypto Blades.

3. DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) 

Another of the tools that will create a stir in the crypto and blockchain market is the Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.

DAOs Work with blockchain and smart contracts. They are organizations in which members make savings and achieve projects in a standard and decentralized way, anchored to incentives, using a large amount of software connected to cryptocurrencies. 


This means that these organizations do not have any specific structure like companies and are not governed by anyone. Instead, everyone works as a team, from the grassroots to the leaders of the organizations.

Every day that passes, we should consider educating ourselves about new technologies so that it is easier and more bearable when we have to work with them.


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