How People Talked About Guest Post Website For Crypto 20 Years Ago

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Guest post crypto used to be a great way for new bloggers or people without a large following to get their names out there. Guest posting was also a completely free way to blog that didn’t require any investment on your part, but it seems like the good times might be coming to an end.

The latest example of this is with guest post website for cryptocurrency PRPOPOOL which just revealed they were putting up paywalls, meaning only those with money will be able to contribute posts and earn money from it. This is going against one of the core ideas of internet and blogging – everyone has an equal chance at success because the playing field is level.

1. The accepted Guest Post guidelines were previously run by a group known as Guest Post Syndicate, which insists nothing in the guidelines be used against the original author. The new agreement requires contributors to pay a fee for each post that is published, and it covers only PRPOPOOL’s website. Each post will receive 8,000 PRPOPOOL tokens (PROP) which can then be traded for real money as well as being able to receive a number of free PRP posts over time.

However, guest posting is becoming more and more unbalanced in favor of those who have the money to pay their way in through guest posting sites like this one. If you don’t have money to pay, who do you talk to, who do you write for, and who will listen to you?

2. As part of the deal, PRPOPOOL’s assets will be managed by a company called PFC Advisory, which is an investment firm based in Switzerland. They will take care of all PRPOPOOL’s assets as well as managing the day-to-day running of things.

Guest post website for cryptocurrency — A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About Guest Post Website For Crypto 20 Years Ago was originally published in Hacker Noon on Medium , where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

3. PRPOPOOL has stated their aim to build a crypto-first website that offers crypto assets, ICOs and crypto news. This means if you’re a business wanting to launch an ICO on the site, you will have to pay for each post you make in order for it to get exposure.

4. There are many other cryptocurrency guest posting platforms out there, such as Reciprocal, but none of them have been like this one so far as a business model, as PRPOPOOL is charging contributors of the platform money in order to get advertising and exposure on the site. Thanks for reading another article about a guest post website for cryptocurrency — A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About Guest Post Websites For Crypto 20 Years Ago . Please share this article on your social media and feel free to leave a comment below. If you ‘d like to learn more about guest post websites for cryptocurrency , you can check out the rest of our blog or subscribe to our mailing list. If you’d like to stay up-to-date on guest post websites for cryptocurrency , connect with us on Twitter and Linkedin .

5. By reading the Guest post website for cryptocurrency articles, you should now know how influential guest posting can be for your blog or business. If done correctly, it can bring many visitors to your website and it’s a great way to promote products or services. For more information about guest post websites for cryptocurrency , we recommend reading our previous article on guest posting . If you’d like to stay up-to-date with guest post websites for cryptocurrency , connect with us on Twitter and Linkedin .

6. Many bloggers and news sites are moving away from traditional advertising to the world of crypto and blockchain, which means there will be an increasing need for articles about various crypto subjects. This means if you’re looking for a guest post website for cryptocurrency content that can help promote your business, blog or yourself, we recommend reading our previous article on what you need to know about crypto guest posting . If you’d like to stay up-to-date on guest post websites for cryptocurrency , connect with us on Twitter and Linkedin .


Guest posts used to be a great way for new bloggers or people without a large following to get their names out there. Guest posting was also a completely free way to blog that didn’t require any investment on your part, but it seems like the good times might be coming to an end. The latest example of this is with a guest post website for cryptocurrency PRPOPOOL which just revealed they were putting up pay walls, meaning only those with money will be able to contribute posts and earn money from it.


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