Is it Easier To Start a Fitness Program?

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jannis brandt mmsQUgMLqUo unsplash

Fitness is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy life. In fact, studies have shown that the healthiest people are those who take time for themselves and do something active every day to help them be their best selves.

 But for those who have been less than diligent with keeping up with their fitness routines, this can seem like an overwhelming task. It can be tempting to keep putting off a goal that seems too daunting or to put it off for another time when you’re feeling more excited about it.

There’s no question that it’s easier to start a fitness program when you feel inspired. And research shows that motivation can play a major role in success. So in theory, starting a fitness program should be easier for those who have high levels of motivation. 

But what actually happens when you jump into a fitness routine? Can you really create the same kind of results with motivation alone? In other words, are people more likely to stick with their fitness goals when they start them without any motivation behind them?

The answer may surprise you. The research suggests that using yourself as the reason you want to get fit may actually set your mind against exercise and bring up doubts about your ability to stick with your goals.

Why is it often easier to start a fitness program ?

Motivation can be a crucial component of fitness success. According to the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), people who have kept off at least 30 pounds in their lives have a significantly higher rate of maintaining weight loss than those who have not been able to achieve similar results.

But what is it that drives these people to stick to their weight-loss goals? We know that exercise is one factor. But what about other aspects of tenacity? After all, it’s possible that merely desire alone isn’t enough. Other studies show that perceived competence, self-efficacy and consistency are all factors related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle after you initially start exercising. But how exactly do these factors work, and why do they matter?

1. Motivation

Motivation can play a big role in any kind of endeavor. A person without motivation to begin with is unlikely to be successful at what they’re doing and the same goes for a program or exercise. You need motivation to even begin something; motivation is required because it takes some energy and energy is something that is always in limited supply. 

The first step into changing your lifestyle takes willpower and commitment; without those things you will not be able to keep working out consistently. If you don’t have the motivation to start then you won’t have the stamina or stamina isn’t always enough for a sustainable lifestyle.

2. Perceived Competence

Perceived competence plays a critical role in motivation and self-efficacy. After all, if you feel like you can’t do something, then it’s easy to give into feelings of doubt. But research shows that the opposite is true too. If you believe that you can achieve your goals, then your chances of success are high. 

Benefits of Compact Home Gym. This is a factor that often gets overlooked in fitness goals and one that can be easily manipulated by using positive thoughts and language to encourage yourself. Studies show that changing the way you think about exercise can have a significant impact on your motivation to continue on with your goals and the more motivated you are, the easier it seems to stick with physical activity.

3. Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is the belief or confidence that you can be successful in a particular activity or goal. It is often connected with the reward system in our brains and how we perceive whether we will experience pleasure from certain activities. 

If you believe you can do something, then it is more likely that you will enjoy doing it and continue to stick with your goals. Research shows that self-efficacy plays a major role in people’s motivation to exercise and even in creating healthy habits.

4. Consistency

While some people argue that consistency is the only thing that matters when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, others disagree. After all, doesn’t consistency mean doing something over and over again? But studies show that while consistency is important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it’s not the only factor at play.

 Research shows that factors like past experience and self-efficacy are also key factors in long-term health and fitness goals. In other words, without motivation, focusing on consistency alone can be more challenging than focusing on improving other aspects of fitness.


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