Things Your Boss Needs To Know About Propel Electric Bikes

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Propel electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular, not just among bike enthusiasts but also with commuters looking for a way to reduce the cost of living. However, it’s important that your boss learns about propels to help ensure company safety.

Here are some tips to help your boss understand the best way to be safe and secure around propels. Some of these tips might surprise him or her, so we’ve included a few that we’ve heard from other companies as well.

Propel electric bikes have been made for one purpose — provide a great means of transportation for people looking for an environmentally friendly way to get around work. As such, they should be treated like any other vehicle on the road and should follow all traffic laws just like any other driverless car or motorcycle would. If you have ever juggled between walking and cycling to work, or maybe you just want to get a bike as an affordable alternative to driving, then here are some helpful tips for keeping your boss happy.

For starters, having this electric bike is likely going to make your commute a little more exciting than usual. It’s not unusual for people who ride these bikes in their daily lives to be pleasantly surprised at how much fun the experience is. If your boss has no interest in trying out the benefits of an e-bike themselves, they may not be willing to support buying them as a company vehicle.

Things Your Boss Needs To Know About Propel Electric Bikes :

1. Get the right bike, and consider a rear motor

For your company to be safe and secure, it’s important that it get the right bike for the job. When choosing an electric bike for business purposes, it’s vital that you select one with a strong frame that can support heavy loads and frequent use. A sturdy frame will help keep you from getting injured when carrying fragile products from point A to point B.

It’s also important that you select one with a motor placed in the rear wheel, versus somewhere else on the bike. Having the motor in the rear makes it easier for you to keep your balance, which is especially important if your riding conditions are less than ideal. This will help prevent a potential fall, which could potentially lead to broken packages and injuries to the people around you.

2. Keep it charged

Batteries can die at any moment, but doing everything in our power to protect them is key when working or living with electric bikes. For example, when storing a bike that isn’t being used for a long period of time, make sure it’s fully charged up before you do so. This will allow the battery pack to operate at its optimal level for longer periods of time.

When it comes to riding a bike, it’s also important to keep the battery running at its peak performance. In order to do this, you will want to charge the battery before taking it out on a long ride, and take it out of the charger immediately after you’ve returned home so that it can cool down and recharge as soon as possible.

3. Lastly, make sure your company is covered in the event of an accident

Many states have insurance schemes that companies can purchase in order to protect themselves from accidents that they may find while using e-bikes and other modes of transportation. Propel electric bikes are covered for the same reasons that all other vehicles are.

If your company is interested in getting a unit for the workplace and needs to know how it works, we have a variety of information you can use to educate your boss about how e-bikes are useful and secure. You can also read up on basics like how to maintain the bike, and what tools you’ll need to get started, at our blog. Be sure to check it out today if you’re interested in learning more about this exciting technology!

4. Kick-Start the conversation

With so many benefits of e-bikes, it might be a good idea for your boss to take a closer look at this unique vehicle. The best way to do this is by getting them started with a basic run-through of how e-bikes work and show them how they can help reduce the cost of commuting to work. By starting off with an easy route that’s safe, you can help your boss gain more interest in seeing more of these electric bikes in their professional setting.

5. Take it to work day

Once your boss has been convinced they might benefit from an electric bike, we recommend helping them get one set up as part of their daily routine. A set up day can be a fun experience that everyone looks forward to at the office, and it will allow you guys to test ride one out and see if it’s the right fit!


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