
Treating Trauma

Treating Trauma with Somatic Experiencing: How it Works and What to Expect

Trauma isn’t always about violent shocks like automobile accidents or gun fire, but it is about perceived threats and how these threats affect the human mind and body. According to the U.S....
Elderly Parents

5 Ways To Persuade Your Elderly Parents To Join A Retirement Community

It can be difficult for older adults to decide to move into a retirement community. They may feel that they're giving up their independence or that they're no longer capable of taking...
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Clear Liquid Diet Tools to Ease Your Daily Life

It is not a secret that dieting is one of the most difficult tasks we have to do. It requires much focus and effort, sometimes the help of professional dieticians, and it...
health food

A Fascinating Behind-the-Scenes Look at Foundry Fitness Delmar Ny.

What is  Foundry Fitness Delmar Ny? Foundry Fitness Delmar Ny is a gym that believes in the benefits of fitness, nutrition and education to improve the health of their...
Healthy food

The History of Healthy Lifestyle

The word "diet" is related to Greek διατροφή (τροφή) (dia-treh-FOH, treh-FOH), meaning "a way of living." Diets are often categorized as being healthy or unhealthy and some people may refer to certain...
plastic surgery 1

Here’s What No One Tells You About Seo Ye Ji Plastic Surgery Before

The perfect nose, the faultless forehead, and a jawline that would make any magazine editor drool. Yes, K-Pop stars are famous for their perfect looks and on a superficial level sometimes their...
Drug Addiction

3 ways in which drug addiction treatment can help those who are addicted to...

People who are addicted to stimulants may enjoy the feeling they get from taking these prescribed medications or pills. If they choose to use stimulants and ‘uppers’, like Adderall, they may feel...

Reasons to follow a career in the medical field

There are countless reasons why people want to follow a career path in the medical field ranging from a calculated financial gain to a personal calling. Regardless if getting a medical degree...
Circular Economy

How Does Wool Help Create A Circular Economy?

There is a strain on the distribution chain to switch from a wasteful "linear" model of production to a sustainable "circular" model as the global textile and apparel industry faces demands from...
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Sexual Harassment Training California Requirements For Supervisors

A survey conducted in California found that more than 86 percent of women and 53 percent of males had experienced sexual harassment on the job. Those who are in...