Five Advices That You Must Listen Before Studying Chemical Equations

chemical equations
chemical equations

Chances are that you are studying chemistry and trying to learn chemical equations. You know they are very complicated and you want to understand them. There is no easy way, but sometimes there are some helpful tips that people have come up with while they were struggling with these equations all the time. Now it’s your turn, read the suggestions below and try them out! Give the systematic name for the compound ba(no3)2.. Answer: barium nitrate. The first element is the symbol of the element, in this case it’s Ba. The second part is an abbreviation for the name of the compound, in this case it’s nitrate (NO3). The third part is the charge of the ion, you don’t need to worry about that! 

2. What is the systematic name for Sr(OH)2? Answer: strontium hydroxide. First you count the number of elements! This is a two element compound. You know the first element is Sr, and you know how to name that ion, so now you just need to write down the second one. It’s hydrogen without any charge, so it’s hydroxide. 

3. What do you have to put in square brackets to find out the formula mass of dinitrogen monoxide? Answer: N2O Answer: dinitrogen monoxide (NO). 

4. What do you have to put in square brackets to find out the molecular formula for CH4? Answer: g Answer: methane (CH4).

5. Differentiate between H2SO4 and H2SO3. Answer: H2SO4 is a red salt, while H2SO3 is a white salt. Answer: H2SO4 has two hydrogens in the same plane as the sodium cation, so it’s ionic. If there are no hydrogens then it’s ionic. 

6. What do you have to put in square brackets to find out the formula mass of NO3? Answer: N3O6 Answer: nitrogen trioxide (NO). 

7. What do you have to put in square brackets to find out the atomic formula of Ca(NO3)22? Answer: CaN03 Answer: calcium nitrate (CaNO3).

The first advice is one of the most important, study slowly! If you rush too fast through an equation or a group of equations without looking at it carefully, it will be difficult for you to remember all of what you have learned if you don’t understand everything properly. It also makes it more likely for errors in your work.

Five Advices That You Must Listen Before Studying CHemical Equations :

1. You must read EVERYTHING carefully.

This is probably the most important advice. You should have a good idea of what you are doing before writing something down. Take your time and read some more than once, if necessary. When you have something in mind, read it again just to make sure that you really understand it properly.

2. You must have a clear understanding of chemical equations.

It is very important to understand chemical equations (products, reactants, stoichiometry and so on) before writing anything down. If you don’t understand the chemical equation you are trying to write down, it’s impossible for you to get the correct reaction. You might know it by memory but if you don’t understand what it means, chances that you will make mistakes are quite high!

3. You must be able to write the chemical equation quickly.

When you need to write down a chemical equation quickly, it’s important to use the quickest possible method. try to write the equation in words, or even in a drawing. There is no need to do long formulas and always remember that you don’t have so much time (if you are studying more than 5 hours per day).

4. You must trust yourself and your knowledge.

It’s very important that you trust your knowledge about chemistry, but it’s also very important that you take time for learning. Try to learn as much as you can, but also try to learn about things that you don’t know! In this way, you will gain a lot of knowledge and it will be easier for you to learn about new things.

5. You must learn from your mistakes and not procrastinate.

If there is a mistake in your work or if something is unclear in the beginning, don’t wait until the end of the work. Try again and again until you understand everything correctly! If something is unclear, try to think carefully about it until you have a clear idea what exactly is happening (it might not be obvious).

Conclusion :

Chemical equations are very complicated and it is very difficult to understand them without a good understanding of the whole process. Studying chemical equations is not that simple, but sometimes you can use some useful tips to make it easier for you, learn from your mistakes, trust yourself and learn to count quickly!


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