Social Media Marketing tricks you need to know

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One of the social media insider tips is so-called micro-influencers. These Instagram professionals don’t have quite as many followers as their big role models, but they are a lot more trustworthy and credible within their social circle.

Such an investment is usually associated with relatively little monetary effort and promises great success precisely due to the high influence of the micro-influencers on the respective niche target group. In the best case, long-term cooperation with aspiring models can be sought, which can give the company a new and youthful face.

Choose the right platform

Our first tip is as banal as it is essential only companies that tailor their activity in social networks to the possibilities of the various platforms fully exploit the enormous potential.

While Facebook is particularly strong in the field of personalized advertising, Instagram is becoming increasingly popular, especially among younger users. While the apps mentioned are often only used for “scrolling” and consequently their users need to have a relatively small attention span to inspire them for the content of the company, YouTube offers plenty of space for further information.

An exciting, attention-grabbing post in the Instagram story, which leads to a revealing YouTube video through a Swype upwards, is a very effective combination.

Get real followers on Instagram and get your posts seen by thousands of people. This is the easiest way to increase the growth of your Instagram in 2021.

Invent a viral hashtag

More well-known companies can take advantage of the profiling addiction of many Instagrammers. Reposting interesting images with a hashtag that fits the company philosophy generates advertising at almost no cost – and noticeably increases your reach.

Small challenges are also conceivable, which encourage even more followers to more or less directly help with their own marketing plan. Competitions or competitions are often a good decision, as the amount invested in prizes quickly pays off due to the enormous increase in reach.

Another advantage: by repeatedly using a hashtag, it forms part of the corporate philosophy over time. Chosen wisely, this can strengthen the company’s portrait in the long term.

Invest in inspiring literature

Of course, everyone responsible for social media is free to learn from their own experiences. However, an investment in the literature on the subject of Social Media Marketing is much easier and presumably associated with significantly fewer setbacks.

Focus on the current state of the customer

Since entrepreneurs have been dealing with advertising strategies, there has been agreement among them potential customers must not only be provided with sober information about products and services but must also always be addressed on their emotional level.

What you should pay attention to in social media marketing

  • Creating a strategy: what do you want to achieve on social media?
  • Define goals (SMART) and target group: who do you want to reach?
  • Choose platforms consciously: where does your target group prefer to be?
  • Create content with added value: avoid advertising
  • Don’t get bored: playful elements like competitions bring more feedback
  • Plan your budget: even small budgets can help to significantly increase the reach and shares of your contributions
  • Keeping an eye on the competition: Learn from your competition!
  • Evaluate results: use the network analysis tools
  • Be prepared for any crises or criticism: when you should react
  • Define internal responsibilities: don’t leave your fans alone
  • Establish guidelines for consistent communication: the company should speak with one voice.


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