Using CBD for Anxiety: How Successful is It?


The popularity of CBD appears to have exploded in recent years as it has expanded into more and more products and markets. It is in oils, salves, food additives, and more. Sometimes, you will see it in fun candy forms – for example, maybe you have spotted CBD gummies for sale recently. It is even used for pets as you can easily add CBD to any dog food recipe.

One reason people tend to seek out CBD is its supposed ability to treat anxiety. But is CBD able to do this? Read the following article to explore this relationship.

What Is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabinol, one compound in a closely related group of chemicals called cannabinoids. Cannabinol is found in cannabis sativa plants. Both hemp and marijuana plants are members of this species.

A different compound called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is responsible for the psychoactive properties, or “high,” of marijuana.

On the other hand, CBD does not cause a high. Instead, many people believe it treats anxiety and that it provides relief for multiple other ailments.

What Research Says About CBD and Anxiety

The research that is currently complete on CBD and anxiety has produced predominantly encouraging results, but further study is necessary to draw specific conclusions.

Of six popular studies published between 2011 and 2019, five found that CBD helped reduce anxiety or alleviate symptoms related to a range of disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, panic disorder, and PTSD. One study did not find that CBD reduced anxiety.

All of these worked with small sample sizes and did not examine the long-term effects of CBD, so again, this field of study is still fertile ground for further research.

How CBD Works

Within your body, there exist two different types of receptors called CB1 and CB2 receptors. They typically interact with compounds produced by the body called endocannabinoids, but external cannabinoids that you put into your body, such as CBD, can also interact with them. CB1 receptors are primarily a part of your central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are a part of your peripheral nervous system.

The exact functions of the endocannabinoid system are complex and not fully understood, but we do know that these receptors block certain neurotransmitters and neural activity. That might explain how CBD contributes to pain, anxiety, or other neural hyperactivity reduction in the brain and body.

Additionally, researchers believe CBD may behave in similar ways to serotonin. Serotonin is a crucial neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of mood, sleep, behavior, and digestion. People diagnosed with depression often have low or abnormal serotonin levels, as do some people with anxiety.

In summary, CBD is a cannabinoid found in hemp or marijuana that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system in ways that evidence suggests can reduce anxiety. Producers can extract CBD so that it is separate from THC and therefore will not cause intoxication. Finally, it can be added to many products like gummies making it easy to ingest or take a dose. If you want to get CBD gummies and other related products, make it a point to opt for trusted providers like cbdMD.


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