What do you know about climate change?

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The climate is changing, and fast. In the past decade alone, we’ve gone from global temperatures that were once considered “safe” to a point of no return in just a few short years. As a result, people have started to take interest in climate change, wondering what it means for their future and even what they can do to help.

What is climate change?

Climate change is a long-term, global trend of increased temperatures. It’s the result of human activity, like the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

What are the effects of climate change?

Climate change refers to the gradual increase in Earth’s average surface temperature, which can be caused by a variety of factors including the emission of greenhouse gases. Although scientists are still working to understand all the consequences of climate change, some effects are already being seen. The most visible effect of climate change is the rising sea levels. As the Earth warms, water expands and starts to rise in places like the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic Ocean. This displacement of water can cause erosion and damage to coastal areas, as well as flooding in low-lying areas. 

Who is responsible for climate change?

The human race is responsible for climate change. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, and the manufacturing of products that rely on them, are the main drivers of climate change.

Climate change is the result of the cumulative effect of emissions of gases and particles into the atmosphere from human activity. The gases and particles act as a sun, warming the Earth’s atmosphere. This, in turn, affects the Earth’s climate, which in turn affects everything on or below it including human health. While scientists have been debating who is primarily responsible for climate change for years, there is no question that humans are altering our planet’s climate.

What are the causes of climate change?

Climate change is the gradual increase of Earth’s average surface temperature. This increase is caused by the burning of fossil fuels like oil and gas, as well as by the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are microscopic particles that trap energy from the sun. They make up about a quarter of all atmospheric gases, and their concentration is increasing due to human activities.

How can I reduce my carbon footprint and help mitigate the effects of climate change?

When it comes to climate change, one of the most important things you can do for the environment is reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some tips to help you do just that:\n

1. Switch to low- or no-carbon products when possible.

2. Plant a tree.

3. Drive less and walk or bike more.

4. Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting.

5. Educate yourself and your family about climate change and what you can do to help mitigate its effects.


Climate change is a global problem that needs our attention. We need to do our part to help the environment, and this starts with understanding what we’re doing to it. With that in mind, here are five things you should know about climate change.


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