What Hanzo actually says is, “Let the dragon consume my foes!”

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senad palic Qcefx5xENeA unsplash

The titular Overwatch character Hanzo Shimada is obviously an expert archer, but he also has 

skills with other types of weaponry. His voice line in the game is, “Let the dragon consume my foes!” However, this is not what he says in Japanese.

The true translation of his line is, “The dragon takes revenge on my enemies!”

This begs the question: do non-Japanese speakers just not hear him say that? Or do they hear 

it wrong because it sounds somewhat similar to what his English voice actor says? A little bit of research suggests it might be a bit of both.

A source that is not unfamiliar with Overwatch said when they first heard the voice line in 

English, they thought it was “Let the dragon consume my foes!” It is entirely possible they just 

didn’t hear him correctly. However, in Japanese, the way it sounds when he says お敵をおかえ

りなさい oteki o okaeri nasai is almost identical to how it sounds in English. It seems like one of 

those cases where people might actually be hearing what is said instead of what they want to hear.

What do you think is the real translation of Hanzo’s line? Leave your comments below.

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Suehyla Eslami Associate Writer Suehyla joined PGC back in 2011. Over the past few years, 

her favorite games have been Fire Emblem Awakening, Tales of Symphonia, Persona 5, 

Persona 4 Golden, and Dragon Quest VIII. She’s also an avid manga reader who loves to 

dissect stories for their symbolism. You can read more of her thoughts on video games over at her blog The Divine Sue . Feel free to follow her on Twitter.

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Shami Kazi Senior Writer Shami joined PGC back in 2011, but it’s been over four years since 

she has felt the need to write anything. She likes the beach, watching movies with her family, 

and she can’t stop thinking about how great X-Men Origins: Wolverine is. You can read more of 

her thoughts on video games over at her blog, The Unshackled . Feel free to follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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Justin Davis Staff Writer Justin has been writing about anime and manga on PGC since the 

summer of 2012. He completed his BA in English Literature at Bowling Green State University. 

Now he just needs to find the time to write his thesis on Howl’s Moving Castle. You can read 

more of his thoughts on video games over at his blog Cool Series Talk . Feel free to follow him on Twitter.

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Shami Kazi Staff Writer Shami joined PGC back in 2011, but it’s been over four years since she 

has felt the need to write anything. She likes the beach, watching movies with her family, and 

she can’t stop thinking about how great X-Men Origins: Wolverine is. You can read more of her 

thoughts on video games over at her blog The Unshackled . Feel free to follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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Sean Buckley Writer, [email protected] Sean is passionate about something he thinks is better 

than almost anything else: video games. A lover of all things Japanese, Sean looks forward to 

the day when his dream job (Video Game Editor) comes true. You can read more of Sean’s 

thoughts on video games over at his blog The Budak Project . Feel free to follow him on Twitter.

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Tsunakawa Tomoko Staff Writer [email protected] Tsunakawa is a part of the nichigoprime.jp 

writing team. She enjoys playing video games and making new friends through gaming what 

does hanzo say when he ultscommunities. Her main interests include JRPGs, such as Persona 

3 and Golden, but she also takes great pleasure in playing different kinds of games. Like many 

other writers on this website, she’s an avid collector of limited edition items. Her current 

collection includes a custom PS Vita system and a…You can follow her on Instagram @tsu_p_t_.

Title of the Article : I Am the Dragon Translation Fact Checker : No, but they could have just 

misheard it. This is closer to the truth. Hanzo says this in Japanese. Additional Information : 


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