What I Wish Everyone Knew About Virtual Staging

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living Roommm 1

Virtual staging is a great way to get a face-to-face virtual tour of your home, condo, or apartment. It makes sense that buyers want to see as much as they can about the home before deciding if it’s for them or not. Here is what everyone knows about virtual staging: http://eworldexternal.com.

Virtual staging removes many of the potential buyer objections to purchasing your property. Every ability you have to make the best impression on potential buyers is an advantage you should use. When you showcase your home at virtual staging you are able to highlight more of the great features of your home, allowing the buyer to really get a feel for it. 

Virtual staging can also help you get an idea of your potential buyers’ requirements and what they’re looking for in an ideal home. A good virtual tour can make all the difference in the world when it comes to getting your home sold. A professional virtual tour can be a huge asset to your real estate marketing efforts on both ends.

Virtual Staging Tips :

1. Be patient and methodical.

 Just like in a real estate transaction, it takes time to sell a property.  This is especially true when considering virtual staging because you’re not marketing in an open manner via the MLS or your website.  You must build trust with potential buyers to get them to come and view your home, and this requires patience on their part as well as yours.  Don’t try to do too much at once, otherwise you might struggle to keep all of your listings active at the same time.

2. Keep things fresh .

You may need to make renovations and adjustments to your virtual staging items to keep them fresh. Even if you’re not selling your property immediately, you don’t want buyers to think you haven’t kept up with the state of the art.  

Take a look at what other properties are doing, and how they manage their virtual staging items.  If necessary, adapt this approach for your own home depending on what makes the most sense for you.

3. Be responsive .

 Make sure that you monitor any feedback your virtual tour is receiving from potential buyers.  Being active and responsive can help you to improve your virtual tour’s status on your bidding platform, as well as in the real estate marketplace.  You want to make sure that potential buyers are getting a positive response to their questions and concerns.

4. Think about using virtual staging for marketing .

Even if you’re not selling your property now, you may want to consider using virtual staging for marketing purposes.  Virtual staging is an extremely popular form of marketing used by many real estate companies across North America.  

You can use it to get your home a lot of exposure to possible buyers, even if it won’t help you immediately.  A number of companies are starting to advertise their virtual tours as a way of getting their brand known ahead of time, and attracting potential customers.

5. Think about the price .

Obviously, you want to create a positive impression for your property in order for it to sell. However, you don’t want to spend money on virtual staging services that are more than you need.  The more money you put into marketing your property, the more money you may be asking for when the time comes that you do decide to sell it.  

You want to make sure that you’re using the right amount of virtual staging at the cheapest price possible.  Try to figure out how much real estate companies are charging for their services, and stick with that price or lower it slightly.  Don’t spend more money than you need just to have something nice looking on your virtual tour.

6. Avoid high-end staging.

A home is only as good as its appearance when it comes time to show it off online or in a real estate listing book.  If you’re trying to sell a high-end home, you may want to invest in some higher-end staging items.  However, if you’re trying to sell a less expensive home, this might not be the best idea.  Don’t spend your money on items that won’t improve the property in any way.

7. Use your network .

You can get discounts on things like virtual staging if you know someone who can help you get deals or special offers.  People in real estate tend to know about these things and will often pass them along so that they can help others out as well.  You can also use people you know in your local area to help with virtual staging as well.  Use your family, friends and neighbors to see if they’re interested in buying a property and would like to have it listed.


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