Best place to buy wormspore

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Wormspore is a home-grown product that’s been around for decades. 

With over 400,000 pounds of worms shipped to schools each year, they’re one of the most reliable sources for spores that you’ll find out there. 

Plus, they have a great value on their Spore starter kit so you can get started without having to spend a ton of money!

Wormspore is the ultimate source for mushrooms and wormwood spores, so it makes sense that they’d have a website with tons of information about their products. 

This article shares some key facts from the website where to buy wormspore and where you can learn more about this company and what makes them different from other retailers.

Here are some of the most interesting facts you’ll find on their website if you’re considering purchasing their products.

1. Wormspore has spore for sale

Something that may surprise you about Wormspore is that they have spores for sale. You’ll also be surprised to learn that they have more than just one type of spore too! 

They have four total packages for growing spores.

 All four are designed to help you get started with the process of growing mushrooms, but each one comes with a different selection of spores.

Starting at the lowest level, the “Sporiculture”kit contains two types of mushroom spores, while their second largest package, “Research Mycology Kit” contains 10 types.

 If you want even more variety though, then you should choose one of their two larger packages.

 “Larger Starter Kit” has a variety of different types, while “Larger Research Mycology Kit” has nearly double the amount of spores with 18 different types!

2. Wormsproe sells a version of Chaga for mushroom cultivation

While most mushroom cultivation kits come with Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, Wormsproe sells a version that’s specifically designed for Chaga mushrooms. 

Chaga is actually one type of fungus that does not produce underground, or mycelium as other types such as mushrooms and truffles do.

 Instead, it gets its nutrients from birch tree bark and produces its fruiting bodies above ground on birch trees.

This type of fungus makes it possible to cultivate Chaga in many different ways, including indoors with your mushroom grow kit. 

With the Chaga mushroom spores from Wormsproe, you can get a variety of different flavors and smells from a diverse selection of mushrooms that have some very unique properties.

3. Wormsproe ships their packages to all fifty states

If you live in California or anywhere else in the U.S.A., then Wormsproe will ship their products to you.

 While there are a few restrictions on shipping to some states, they have made it very easy to order their products and have them delivered right to your door!

If you live in Washington, Connecticut, Vermont, or Michigan, then you may have to order your spore through one of their local affiliates. 

They show you exactly where each of these affiliates is located on the website so you can contact them directly and buy your spores from them instead if possible.

4. You can use Wormspore coupons and promo codes with your order

Regardless of which product you want to purchase from Wormsproe, you can always apply a Wormsproe coupon code during checkout. 

With this handy coupon, you can get a discount on pretty much any product they offer!

5. The company shares its own experiences growing mushrooms at home

On their website, Wormsproe shows off some pictures of their customers and their successful mushroom harvests. 

While the pictures might be especially impressive because they were captured by professionals, they still give you a sense of how easy it can be to grow your own supply of edible and medicinal mushrooms outside. 

Plus, you’ll also see tons of different types of shrooms that other customers have grown using Wormspore spores.

6. Wormspore’s website is easy to navigate

You’ll find tons of different information on 

Each product page has the same information, so you can use it as a reference for any product that you’re interested in. 

This is especially helpful if you have questions about the spore itself. If you use this site as your main resource, then all of your questions will be answered instantly!

7. Wormsproe offers a 30 day return policy

If you don’t believe in buying products from a company who has a no-questions asked return policy, then chances are good that your fears may be well-founded. 

However, Wormsproe offers refunds on any of their products for up to thirty days after ordering. This includes spore kits, grow tools like agar dishes, and any other items they sell.

 If you’re not sure whether you like the product, then you don’t have to worry about losing your money when you return it!

8. Wormsproe sells products in bulk quantities

If you want to save money by ordering more than one product at once, then Wormsproe has plenty of options for doing exactly that.

 They offer bulk discounts for most products they sell, and even offer free shipping when you buy in bulk.

 If you want to buy the highest quality spores available at the lowest possible price, then ordering huge quantities is your best option!


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