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Indeed, this was another great clinched. This part included a great deal of in-your-face riding and traveling. Journeying the tallest pinnacle of Karnataka was an unadulterated delight. The fight with the fog divine beings was something out of the ordinary and something I’ll recollect for quite a while.

“This article will be a long one. So ones who are keen on short ones, close down is recommended. For those truly intrigued, howdy fi, get something to drink and plunk down with me on this one, I’m certain you’ll appreciate, Cheers!! If you want the best Resorts in Chikmagalur just visit our website and enjoy your tour.

Indeed, this was another great clinched. This part included a great deal of in-your-face riding and traveling. Journeying the tallest pinnacle of Karnataka was an unadulterated delight. The fight with the fog divine beings was something out of the ordinary and something I’ll recollect for quite a while. 

“This article will be a long one. So ones who are keen on short ones, close down is recommended. For those truly intrigued, howdy fi, get something to drink and plunk down with me on this one, I’m certain you’ll appreciate, Cheers!! ” 


This section stayed down the pipeline for a long while. It had slumped a few times and afterward, at last, one day, it was only ago. We took off. Thursday evening I got a call inquiring about what was booked for the end of the week which was unfolding. At the point when every one of the 4 of us were prepared to withdraw the following day and hit the street. No apprehensions were offered the opportunity to emerge in our brains. We were determined to a 3 road trip. The spot was chosen to be Chikmagalur and we would leave the following morning. 

TIME: 14:45 

DAY1: Strike Down!! 


No doubt I was up at about 05:00, did a couple of push-ups, and sit-ups had some espresso and were good to go. Left my home at about 05:45 and rode to Nandini Layout as the get together was booked at Dattu’s place. At about 06:00 we as a whole met, after a proper welcome we left Bangalore. 

TIME: 06:30 

This was the principal stretch of our 3 days venture. This was a 180kms stretch on the Bangalore-Mangalore parkway (NH-48). As we had left early the climate was lovely and the tremendous 6-path street made riding exceptionally simple. We rode till Kunigal constant and pulled over for breakfast. 

TIME: 07:45 

As we had our morning meal I advised the others about the arrangement for the next 3 days. And furthermore, inquired as to whether he was acceptable to ride till Hassan as the streets were excellent. After an awesome breakfast, we left. Also, Dattu was riding on the parkway just because, dashed away at an incredible pace. Zethu and Deefu rode behind at a nearby separation. We rode at an extremely uniform rate to reach Hassan with a couple of breaks in the middle. Gracious no doubt not to overlook one interruption into a homestead on the roadway too 😛 

TIME: 11:30 

This subsequent stretch was generally 70kms. Be that as it may, it had generally sketchy streets with the last 20kms of merry riding. As we came to Hassan we took the Ring street with the goal that we could abstain from riding into the town. When we were out of the town the climate started to turn overcast and the light sprinkle made our ride generally excellent. I inquired as to whether he was acceptable to proceed. He said he was. The streets turned bit by bit inconsistent and the sprinkling expanded to a window ornament like shower which I felt was simply marvelous. We could detect the windmills a remote place stirring the thick fog on the hillocks. This exceptionally picturesque sight gave us incredible euphoria. We trusted the climate would remain like this until the finish of our ride. 

Riding further we entered the backwoods district, where we 4 on two or three bicycles were practically detached. So the talking and the singing started. We altogether delighted in each second of the ride before arriving up before an enormous lake. Viewing the little ducks swim in the lake we chose to push to arrive at the old sanctuary of Halebeedu. 

TIME: 12:25 


To start with, fortunately, the spot wasn’t packed. Also, the cool climate made our visit a superb one. Halebeedu means “old home”. It was the Hoysala capital in the twelfth century 

After about 30 minutes we left Halebeedu. As we had not had anything since breakfast, we chose to stop at a pastry shop for some light bites. In the wake of having some light snacks we left. 

Belur is about 15kms from Halebeedu. Be that as it may, the streets are in the extremely pitiful state however through timberlands. Dattu who had been riding a from Kunigal chose to keep riding to Belur also. After about 45mins of cruising, we came to Belur. 

TIME: 13:00 


Belur is probably the best case of Hoysala Architecture. It is known for the delightfully etched Chennekeshava sanctuary. It is said it has taken around 100 years to finish this sanctuary. It comprises of different divider carvings done flawlessly. These carvings delineate scenes from epic stories, for example, Ramayana, Mahabharta and so forth 

Both these spots are time travels, trust me on this. You could continue watching these wonderful carvings and simply show a break of the condition. Each cutting has its own story to tell. The narratives they let you know might be valid or bogus. Be that as it may, simply watch them for yourself and recount your own accounts. It’s so much better that way!! 

What’s more, my preferred spot at this spot is the Kalyani where two or three turtles and loads of fishes live 😀 



Yagachi Dam is not really 5kms from Belur. What’s more, is a spot unquestionably worth visiting while in transit to Chikmagalur. Fortunately, the streets turned splendid, colossal wide streets with astounding greenery kept us upbeat. As we came to Yagachi, we stopped our bicycles and to a long walk around the dam until we smashed at a spot. We stayed there simply permitting the breeze over the waters to come slamming onto our appearances. What an inclination that was! 

TIME: 15:00 


After a magnificent short remain at Yagachi, we rode at a decent pace along the smooth streets through the virus winds to reach Chikmagalur. In the wake of arriving at the town, we legitimately hit the lodging as our bellies had protested. 

TIME: 16:00 

As we were crunching down like bears out of nowhere the lodging proprietor said that our bicycles were about to be towed as we had stopped in the “no stopping zone”. Without qualm and addressed the official despite everything crunching on the leftover food on our unwashed fingers 😛 

When that was settled we began chasing for a hotel to crash. While inquiring into one, I heard a recognizable voice from behind. It was Gagan, my old buddy from school. Chikmagalur was Gagan’s old neighborhood and he demanded that we remain at his place. Yet, we concluded that it was better if remain at the cabin itself. At last in the wake of getting some more food and snatching something to drink for the night, we settled down at the hotel to close DAY-1. 

“So that was DAY-1. Had a great deal of riding on the roadways, visiting places that had compositional flawlessness gave every one of us the fulfillment required for the primary day. So with Belur, Halebeedu and Yagachi effectively under our belts, it was the ideal opportunity for DAY – 2 which implied genuine crap” 

DAY 2: Unraveling Chikamaglur – Layer by Layer!! 


Day 2, I was up at about 04:00 (genuine sleep deprivation), hard take a gander at the occasions that needed to occur, and that had occurred. At long last at about 05:00, woke up Zethu and Deefu and chose to take a stroll as it was freezing cold. We went on a long walk examining the day’s arrangement and simultaneously getting a charge out of the seriousness of the virus. After around 30-45 mins we chose to head back as we didn’t need Dattu to get an inclination that we left back to Bangalore leaving him 😛 

The subsequent day all-out separation came up to around 200kms. Be that as it may, no doubt it was through limited espresso homes and slopes. So it was on an entire diverse level. We left the hotel at about 06:15 and it was as yet cold. We chose to cover Mullayangiri first. 


Mullayangiri is the tallest pinnacle of Karnataka and is about 22kms from legitimate Chikmagalur. So we rode at a not too bad pace to arrive at the deviation from the fundamental street. After this, we could feel something was going to occur and we were correct. In the wake of rising two or three hundred meters, the haze just began pouring in from all sides. The mist was thick and we could see barely a couple of feet from our bicycles. Also, this was occurring as we were arranging bends on a slope, no doubt about it trust you get the circumstance. Be that as it may, we were appreciating never the less. After a couple of kilometers of the mist downpour, we arrived at an awesome spot where we spend the following 30mins to choose whether we trip or ride till the top. 

Sooner or later we had just stopped our bicycles close to some ashram on top. What’s more, we were messing around on the grass which was overwhelmed with fog. It had turned out so well that we had forgotten about time and places to cover for the afternoon. After at some point we chose to journey to the top which was as yet a decent 3kms away. 

The walk was no simple undertaking. We felt it was an awesome choice to leave the bicycles as the streets were exceptionally limited and completely messed up. Also, haze continued getting thicker as we climbed. Be that as it may, the stroll through it was stunning and alarming simultaneously. 

We arrived at the base of the slope and chose to investigate the environmental factors. We scaled a little hillock close by which opened up to a little level ground on top. Before arriving at we could hear the breeze snarl. When were on top, we were completely reclaimed by what we encountered. Solid, I mean incredibly solid breezes, cold and frigid started to hit us at extraordinary paces. Others were getting a charge out of the kick, however, I being the lightest didn’t know whether my feet would be contacting the slope in the coming minutes 😛 

We spent about 30mins at this spot. At a certain point in time, we just plunked down and let the breezes conveying a great deal of mist simply hit our countenances. We were completely invested in the sound that is conveyed as well. Crazy inclination it was, trust me!! 

TIME: 08:30 

Next, we chose to climb the genuine pinnacle of Mullayangiri. It was a short climb of about 15mins. We accepting standard breaks as should be obvious the strides ahead and twists hitting from the side made the ascension risky and fun. Subsequent to arriving at the top we did a speedy lap around the sanctuary and chose to head down. 

TIME: 09:15 

The stroll back was a charming one as the breezes had diminished. We arrived at where we had stopped our bicycles and took off absent a lot of postponement. The ride downslope was a smooth one



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