How to Get Ready Before Writing a Masterpiece of an Essay

How to Get Ready Before Writing a Masterpiece of an Essay
How to Get Ready Before Writing a Masterpiece of an Essay

You’re probably contemplating whether to write a short or long essay. When creating 3-5 pages of content, this can be difficult. Writing a five-page comparative essay comparing two works of literature and proving your position is a popular alternative to lengthy assignments. 

When you decide to write an essay, you should ask yourself a few questions. This is because the procedure will differ from that of, say, writing an analytical paper. Here, we’ll talk about writing a masterpiece essay and the best ways to organize it.

How to Write an Excellent Essay

Few people are born with the talent to create excellent essays. It is a skill that must be learned and practiced; once mastered, it will serve you well for the rest of your life. Make sure you understand the assignment before you begin writing! On the other hand, using the service of an expert essay writer will surely earn you a great essay

Create a list of ideas to back up your claim. Examine the links between the concepts and try to group them into paragraphs. Attempt to express these concepts in a logical order.

Outline to help you arrange your thoughts. Then write a thesis statement that responds to the essay’s main question.


The first paragraph of your academic essay is usually the introduction. If you’re writing a long essay, two or three paragraphs may be required to present your topic to the reader. A good introduction accomplishes three goals: Attracts the attention of the reader. Telling a tale, offering a statistic, pointing out something weird or interesting, and debating a meaningful phrase are all ways to grab a reader’s attention. Be innovative and unique!

Your essay’s first paragraph should summarize all of the important points you’ve made in the body text. Tell the reader what you’ll be doing in your work and why it’s important. This is where you will connect all of your arguments, demonstrate how they support one another, and demonstrate that your argument is valid. You can also include one or two sentences explaining why you found this topic fascinating or significant enough to write about.

Gives background information

Assume you’re claiming that standardized testing is detrimental to schooling. In that scenario, you would wish to include a brief history of standardized testing in the United States so that readers are aware of where it came from and why it began.

States your thesis/claim

The thesis is the point of departure for an essay. Knowing how to construct a thesis statement, which includes the topic, a claim about the issue, and three supporting points, can assist a writer in beginning an essay precisely and succinctly. A solid thesis statement aids the writer in organizing the next information in the essay and aids the reader in comprehending the information that leads to the conclusion.

The body

The meat and potatoes of your essay are the body. Each primary concept in the body paragraph is supported by textual evidence and your interpretation. The majority of your paragraph should be devoted to your analysis. Remember that having three body paragraphs isn’t magical (unless your teacher specifically says so). Have as many as you need to communicate your views.

If you’re working on a lengthy paper, start by looking at what each paragraph was about. For example, in each section or paragraph of an essay on “The Role of Antigone in Ancient Greek Mythology,” you might wish to emphasize how her actions influenced others around her. Keep in mind that the intro-body-conclusion structure remains constant. There are some critical aspects that you must include in each part to ensure that your essay passes the standards for an “A.”

The body of the essay is where the topic is explained. You present your supporting arguments and evidence in this section. You should have at least three arguments and three supporting pieces of evidence for each argument. 

Please keep in mind that the body of your essay accounts for roughly 75% of the total word limit. Although the body structure is adaptable, you should always consider how you may order your essay to serve your thoughts best.

There are numerous options for structuring your essay. You could write one paragraph for each supporting concept or bundle comparable points into one part; the length of your essay will determine how long you write.


A conclusion is a section of an essay that summarizes all of the points you made in your work. It comes after the body and serves to aid readers in comprehending the primary notion of your book, article, or another sort of document. 

If you want to know how to write a reasonable conclusion for an essay, you should realize that this section should account for roughly 5% of the entire word count. If you’ve prepared a 500-word essay, your conclusion should be no more than 25 words lengthy. Enlist the help of a professional writing service  like Grademiners to write a top quality essay that will earn you good grades.

BIO:Jared Houdi is one of the Grademiner’s team finest! If there’s anyone who won’t sleep and eat until a customer’s essay is done, that will be Jared hands down. Some say that there’s no such assignment Jared can’t pull off. A simple 5-paragraph essay or a complex 50-page course work, our man Jared Houdi will meet the deadline no matter what.


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