When Dental Fillings Are Needed?

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Your teeth are one of the strongest and most resilient parts of your body. It’s also one of the most used so it shouldn’t be surprising that it gets issues every once in a while. Teeth problems range from mild to concerning but lucky for us, there are lots of treatments that can help us get through these problems.

Tooth bonding is the practice of combining a tooth with a dental restoration to restore form and function to decayed or missing teeth. The process takes place in an office setting, usually involving local anesthesia. After the tooth preparation and implant placement, the dentist uses special adhesives to bond the restoration on top of your natural teeth.

One of the most common treatments in oral medicine is dental fillings.

This is a process where a large cavity in your teeth will be filled with a substance that can substitute for teeth. The most common materials used for dental fillings are silver amalgam, gold, porcelain, composite resin, and even tooth-coloured plastics.

As per experts from Smileville, dental fillings are essential for certain cases in which your teeth’s cavities are already beyond repair. Dental fillings aren’t always necessary though. It’s time you learn when it’s best to get dental fillings for your teeth.

Signs It’s Time For Dental Fillings

  1. Tooth Sensitivity

Do you feel a sharp pain in your teeth whenever you eat something hot, cold, or sweet? This is one of the most common signs that you have a cavity in your teeth. It’s one of the first signs you’ll experience as well and when you do experience tooth sensitivity, it’s time to head to a dentist ASAP before the problem worsens.

Aside from that sensitivity, you should also have yourself checked by a dentist if you begin to experience inexplicable pain in parts of your teeth. For this, you should look for throbbing pain that doesn’t go away.

  1. Flossing Problems

Ideally, dental floss should move smoothly as it passes between your teeth. The only time you should feel any resistance is when there are solid food particles that are stuck on your teeth.


If there are cavities between your teeth, you should feel the floss latch on to certain parts of your teeth. When you do take the floss out, you should look for any signs of tears as this can indicate that the thread was ripped on one of your cavities.

  1. Tooth Decay

Dental fillings are often recommended for people who are suffering from tooth decay. This condition in itself is serious and can cause you severe pain. Tooth decay is most often caused by sugar dissolving the teeth. It starts out as a cavity but it can grow worse over time.

  1. Coronal Cavities

This is one of the most common types of cavities out there. It mostly occurs on your teeth’s chewing surfaces or even between your teeth. Both adults and children can suffer from this as it’s often caused by poor oral hygiene and a bad diet that features lots of sweets and food that aren’t good for the teeth’s enamel.

  1. Root Cavities

This is most common in old people. As we grow old, our gums will recede which can then leave parts of your tooth’s roots exposed. Since the roots are exposed, these areas become more prone to dental decay

  1. Recurrent Decay

It’s a cavity that happens around pre-existing fillings. These are caused by a build-up of plaque and the solution to this is to get new dental fillings.

  1. Fractured/Chipped Teeth

Accidents do happen from time to time. A chipped tooth is caused by injuries to your face, or even something as simple as you accidentally chomping on something hard. Regardless of what caused it, a fractured tooth calls for a dental filling. Teeth can’t be glued together but thanks to fillings, you don’t have to worry about a broken smile ever again.

If you experience any of these signs, it’s time to call for professional help ASAP. Ideally, you should visit the dentist twice a year for cleaning. However, you can visit more than what’s usual especially if you’re experiencing major concerns with your teeth.

Nothing beats having perfectly healthy teeth so don’t be afraid of visits to the dentist.

Are Dental Fillings Worth It?

The short answer here is yes – they are.

Without dental fillings, your gums and the roots of your teeth are going to be exposed. This can result in more pressing problems that aren’t just costly to treat but are also very uncomfortable on your end. It’s vital that you have your teeth filled just in case a big cavity appears or you suffer from tooth decay.

The good news is that dental fillings aren’t as expensive as they used to be. As per recent data, tooth fillings can range from $115 and $285, Since there’s a wider range of filling materials to choose from, you have a wider selection budget-wise as well.

Dental fillings are one of the greatest gifts that dental science can give us. It provides relief from intense pain and discomfort for those suffering from cavities and tooth decay. Most importantly however, it gives you the confidence to smile knowing that your teeth are perfect.


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