10 Key Tactics The Pros Use For Sports Injuries

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I know it sounds cliche, but people who leave their sports like futsal el salvador vs guatemala early are practicing bad form. I mean, they’re literally practicing bad form! However, there are some people who have to actually stop playing because of an injury — rest time is needed for the injury to heal. Unfortunately, injuries happen to the best of us and it’s important for everyone out there to know how to recover properly.

That’s why we’re giving you 10 tips from the pros about how to treat a sports-related injury:

1) Always ice it down immediately following an injury or game 

(especially if you think you might have a fracture). While it is important to gently wrap the injury and rest it, applying ice can help numb the pain, reduce swelling and limit any potential damage.

2) Before you go out there and play again, make sure your sports injury is healed. 

There are many cases where people end up making their injuries worse by rushing back into sports too soon. It’s important to look at your body in general and ensure that everything is functioning properly before returning to regular exercise.

3) Massages are so helpful because they increase blood flow to an injured area.

This increased blood flow will not only get rid of toxins, but it can also help your body heal from within. Ice your injury after a massage and you’ll find that your recovery will be much quicker than if you didn’t have one!

4) If you need to, see a professional for your sports injury. 

While the average person may be able to treat their own sports injuries on their own, there are cases where people end up doing more harm than good by trying to rush their healing process. Take, for instance, an ankle sprain. If you don’t have someone who knows what they’re doing check your ankle and make sure it’s healed correctly after icing, you may be able to re-injure it in the process of trying to treat it yourself. 

5) Be flexible!

Gamers understand this concept all too well — if you’re not flexible then your movements in-game will end up being pretty stiff and unnatural. So seek out a group fitness class that can help you work on flexibility and avoid injury during play.

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6) Stay hydrated! 

It’s easy to forget this one — especially when sports involve sweating as much as they do. But staying hydrated is extremely important if you want to recover from your sports injury more quickly.

7) Use a heat-wrap — but not on an actual sprain!

This will help loosen up the muscles, without causing additional damage to your actual sports injury. However, make sure you are not heating up a sprain as it may cause additional damage in that area. You might want to ask someone who has experience in sports injuries before trying out this method.

8) Wear proper clothing and footwear for your sport or exercise 

If you’re running, wear proper running shoes that fit well and work with your body to provide support and padding while also allowing your feet to breathe (rather than stuffy lace-up shoes). If you’re throwing a football, wear a knee sleeve or elbow sleeve to protect yourself from impact.

9) Before you go outside make sure you’re not wearing your running shoes 

You wouldn’t wear heels or dress shoes for a day at the park. Make sure you’re wearing the correct shoes for your activities. If you’re doing any vigorous sports activity make sure to wear proper athletic gear — this can help minimize chafing, rashes and blisters. Be especially careful when your sports activity involves running if you have sensitive skin in that area. 

10) Before you sit down make sure your sports injury isn’t bleeding or causing pain. 

Sometimes people will get sports injuries at work (say golfers, for example) and then go home to treat it at the same time. And while this is one of the best ways to help your body heal, it can also be a recipe for disaster if you don’t follow some simple steps first. If you’re having any kind of bleeding or pain after a sports injury, ice it down and seek immediate medical attention! Just as important, make sure that your clothing is not rubbing too hard against the wound and that no one is sitting on you.


Hopefully, you found 10 great tips from the pros here and will be able to use them in your own sport activities. As I said at the beginning of this article, it’s important for everyone to learn how to take care of injuries, so I hope you found something that helped in that process.

If you were using any of these tips before and improved your sports recovery time, we’d love to hear it! So if you have any stories about how these tips have helped improve your recovery time contact us through our contact form. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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