10 Tips for a Gloriously Healthy Head of Hair

Healthy Head of Hair

A full, healthy head of hair can seem elusive, especially considering the damage caused by many things you use to style and maintain your locks. The following tips can help you get that glorious head of hair you’ve been trying for. 

1. Get Regular Maintenance Cuts

You don’t have to go in for a complete cut and style every month, especially if you have longer hair, but you should schedule regular trims. These will help ensure healthy hair from root to tip and eliminate dead and split ends that can drag your cut down. 

2. Focus on Scalp Health

A healthy scalp supports lustrous and shiny hair. After all, that’s where it all starts. Regular head and scalp massages with essential oils are a great way to treat yourself and encourage hair development. Remember, you do not need to know the difference between seborrheic dermatitis scalp psoriasis vs dandruff to give your scalp the attention and care it needs.  

3. Learn Your Hair Type

If you don’t know your hair type, now is a good time to figure it out. There are three main types of hair: oily, dry and normal. Many people can easily choose which one best describes their hair, but yours may fluctuate between categories depending on things like diet, hormones, and the weather. Once you identify your hair type, choose products and a care routine based on that information. 

4. Skip the Daily Shampoo

Unless you have very oily hair, you can probably skip a daily wash and condition. In fact, daily washing can cause serious dryness and brittleness if you are;t careful. Add in a few days in the sun or a trip to the pool, and you’ll be faced with split ends and breaking hair in no time.

5. Handle Hair With Care

You may not realize the damage everyday activities cause to your hair. For example, brushing can easily tear out hundreds of strands each day. Plus, it also causes breakage along the strands, resulting in flyaways and an uneven appearance. Then there’s heat from dryers, curlers and straightening irons.

Treat your hair with a little kindness by taking a break from those harsh tools for a week or so. Once you see the difference, you may choose a simpler style. 

6. Try a Homemade Hot Oil Treatment

Deep conditioning treatments can help repair daily damage, but they can be pricey. Instead of going to the salon for one, try making a DIY hot oil treatment with ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen. Olive oil is a good choice unless you have thin hair. In that case, opt for coconut or avocado oil instead.  

7. Protect Your Hair From the Elements

Many people do not realize that hot weather can also wreak havoc with an otherwise glowing style. High heat and humidity can lead to unruly locks, especially if you have curls. On the other hand, extremely dry or cold weather often leads to brittleness and excess static. Add in the sun’s bleaching power, and you can see why a hat is such a great idea for protecting your locks when you head outdoors. 

8. Explore Natural Rinses

Haircare trends change over time. You’ve probably heard of people putting everything from eggs to beer in their hair to make it shiny. While you might not want to listen to every piece of advice on this topic, there are plenty of great natural rinses on the market that can give your hair a boost. If you want to make your own, consider using apple cider vinegar after washing for a gentle all-purpose treatment. 

9. Adjust Your Diet

follicles need proper nutrition to produce healthy strands of hair, so a poor diet or nutritional deficiency can result in brittle and thin hair. In some cases, it may even result in baldness. Aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet to avoid these complications and add in a hair-specific supplement if necessary.  

10. Pay Attention to Changes

You should definitely pay attention when your hair changes suddenly, such as becoming brittle or shedding more than normal. In addition to taking away from your hair’s natural beauty, changes could also be a sign of a bigger problem.

You can have a full head of shiny hair with the right strategy. Avoid harsh products and tools, use natural rinses or treatments and protect your hair from extremes for the best results. 


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