What are name softwares?
You may be surprised to learn that there are many different types of name software, also called a name generator. Name generators such as dalvin cook fantasy names work by taking different inputs and producing a randomized list of names. One popular example of this software is a computer based game that works on the premise of an elephant named “Creeks”. The user would enter their initials and the game will produce a list of possible names for them to choose from. This particular type of software is often used when creating new identities for heroes, aliases, or relatives in fiction stories.
While there are many different types of name generators, most of them follow this same general premise. They take user input and randomized output to produce a list of names for the user to choose from.
There are people however who build their own name software from scratch. This is usually done by coding it from the ground up or using software like “Dragonfly” which is used to create fantasy maps or fictional worlds. These can be used on role playing games or worlds built on fantasy maps, such as MUDs (Multiple User Domains) and MOOs (MUD Object Oriented).
Before we dive into the 5 facts I have for you today, let me first explain why I started this blog in the first place. The reason I started this blog is because I noticed that there was very little out there, at least in English, about name software. So much so that I could not even find a single post on the topic of name softwares. That being said and done, here are 5 facts about name softwares you probably never knew:
1. There are people who can’t use them because their names are too hard to spell
Although most name software works on domains like “Phobia” and “Valkyrie”, it is possible for a person’s name to be too long or have an odd spelling. So for instance, a person’s name could contain too many vowels, or the spelling of the person’s last name could not be spelt correctly. In those cases, name generators will fail to create a randomized name for the user.
2. Most people don’t know where to begin when creating a new character in their RPG of choice
The vast majority of us just jump into our favorite RPG or virtual world and choose an avatar with which to start out with. However, before you can even consider creating a new character in your game or world you first have to have an idea about what race and gender you want your character to be. After that, you have to consider the culture and history of your new character. The last thing that you need to consider is the name of your character. When most people create a new RPG character, they choose something between traditional and modern in terms of phonetics and spelling. However, when it comes to creating realistic characters, there is usually a lot more research involved than most people would expect.

3. Most people don’t know how to pronounce them
Similar to the fact that there are people who can’t use name generators due to the difficulty in spelling their own names, some people also have trouble pronouncing them as well. In fact, it was only a few years ago that I learned that there are people who pronounce the names Phoenix and Xylia the wrong way. When talking about these phonetics, it is important to remember that there are several different ways to pronounce them. For example, Phoenix (fəˈniks) can also be pronounced as fə-NIXEZ or fə-NIKEZ.
4. They can help when you don’t know what to name your pet/familiar/companion
One of the most common uses for name softwares is when choosing a new name for our pets or other NPC companions. NPCs (non-player characters) are artificial game constructs designed to help move the plot of the game along. The most common type of NPC companion is a pet. As we all know, pets need names too!
5. Most people don’t know that there is a name software dedicated to baby names
It’s true! There is a name generator that works with the premise of getting your first and last name. However, if you want to add middle names then you have to cough up some money and pay for more options. This is a very important point since most people usually have 3 names when they are born, not 2 like in this particular generator.
One of the most useful things you can do with name softwares is creating new characters in your favorite role playing game or virtual world. It makes it easier to give your character a nicer name and maybe even add some personal touches to it, like middle names or nicknames. Thus, it is important that you know the ins and outs of the software before choosing a name for your character.