Law may not be the most glamorous field, but for many people it is the ultimate dream. Those who love the law and law x reader lemon will take it to their hearts and devote the rest of their lives to learning all they can about its different parts — from civil procedure to constitutional law. If you want to become a guru in your chosen field and keep on getting better at it, these nine tips are for you!
1. Read Legal Theory
Legal theory deals with how law is made and rules are applied by judges. It’s also a foundational tool that helps you understand your place in society and how laws affect others around you. You don’t have to understand every word, but it’s a good idea to pick up a legal theory book and read through it at least once.
2. Learn the Basic Rules of Evidence
Evidence is an important part of any trial, and you’ll rarely find a lawyer who doesn’t know what it is. Learn more about evidence, its rules and how they apply to your case by reading a book or two on the subject. These books will also help you understand the complex rules that govern evidence in court — for example, you can’t just show something as proof because “it looks like” your target.
3. Learn the Rules of Civil Procedure
If you want to deal with complicated matters and have a good chance of getting the best outcome for your side, learn about how civil procedure works. Civil procedure sets out what a judge can and cannot do in many different situations. It’s also a very important foundation for dealing with any civil disputes involving businesses or corporations. To put it another way, without civil procedure, your clients will be forced to pay up before they get their day in court!
4. Read Case Law
This is another important way to understand the law that applies to your particular case. Reading case law is a great way to learn how the judges and courts have made decisions in similar situations. Cases are published on the Internet, and many of them are available in print at your local library. You can also check out a legal casebook and read through it as well to get an idea of how courts handle cases in general.

5. Choose a Specialty
Rule No. 1: You’re not going to be an expert at everything that has anything to do with law, so choose a particular area of specialty and, once you do, commit yourself to becoming a guru in your chosen field. You should also read a lot of law-related material related to your specialty, such as books and newspapers that deal with your subject and articles from periodicals that are relevant to your issues.
6. Work Hard
You can approach this subject from many different angles — for example, you can specialize in small-claims court (where small disputes are heard by judges), divorce law or criminal law. But for the most part, you need to develop a passion for the law — ignore it at your peril!
7. Work With Lawyers
You can’t become an expert in the field without having a good understanding of it and working with lawyers who practice it. The best way to do this is by spending time with lawyers who are good at their job and studying them carefully. You can also read everything you can get your hands on about the subject and ask lots of questions.
8. Stay At Work Late
The working world is full of people who seem to go home after a nine-to-five job, so if you really want to work hard on your field, it’s sometimes necessary to stay late or come in before the rest of the staff arrives — it’s important that you show that you’re willing to go beyond your personal limitations. The first few times you do this might be embarrassing, but in time it will become a habit.
9. Get Practical
At the end of the day, you’ll be able to get the most out of your study if you take what you’ve learned to the courtroom and apply it there. For example, before you go into court to argue a point in front of a judge, write down what you’re going to say so that when it comes time to speak up, you’ll have no problem with your notes. If you need more focus and don’t want to go through all the trouble of writing everything out, then take some notes on screens without speaking into them.
Conclusion of this article:
It is not easy to become a guru in law, But if you have the patience and desire, and if you study hard enough , achievement may be possible. You can communicate to one another and share your special interest by reading this article. Stay interested, keep learning and most importantly do it all with joviality.