Think About These 9 Ways To Change Your Fitness


There are lots of things that can affect our health and lifestyle choices, like the environment around us, availability of fresh produce and exercise equipment, family members with health conditions, income level and education level. Here you will find 9 tips for staying healthy. You’ll be happy you thought about these things!

1. Take a daily walk outside 

When you get outside, the fresh air and sunlight will dramatically increase your sense of well-being. Your mood will lift, and you will be amazed at how much energy you have! You don’t need a gym membership to stay in shape. You just have to walk! If you have a yard or a park nearby, take advantage of it, or drive to one. Walk for 20 minutes daily and it will become a part of your routine. When the temperature drops, bundle up and take your walk at lunchtime when the sun is out.

2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily 

Water is essential for your health. Water hydrates you, keeping toxins from building up in your body and causing damage to your organs. You can drink any kind of water: cold or room temperature, or you can add lemon, lime or some fruit to it. This will help you get more flavor out of your water without having a glass of water for every meal. The rule is: Drink when thirsty; avoid drinking on an empty stomach as that’s when there is the most danger of dehydration.

3. Eat vegetables and fruits daily

Nutrient rich vegetables and fruits will give you the energy needed to stay healthy while reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes by improving the way your body utilizes foods it consumes. Fresh fruits and vegetables are very satisfying as well, so you will eat less of other things. Keeping a fruit bowl on your table or in your kitchen is a good way to remember to eat at least one piece of fruit every day.

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4. Exercise daily

If you haven’t exercised in a while, it’s important to exercise at least 3 times a week in order to strengthen your heart muscle, improve circulation and lose weight. If you already have some workout routine, then just put more time into it and add strength training exercises as well or some stretching in the beginning and at the very end of your routine. If you do have a gym membership, start going more often to make your workouts more effective.

5. Have a balanced diet

There are certain nutrients you need to stay healthy. These nutrients include protein, vitamins A and C, vitamin E, calcium, iron and folic acid. You should have 4-5 meals or snacks a day that contain the right amount of these nutrients. You should also eat fruits and vegetables every day.

6. Don’t eat in front of the TV or computer screen 

Cutting down on eating while watching TV or surfing the web can help you with weight loss, but it is also an effective way to help you avoid obesity. You should be present and aware when you eat. This means no eating while sitting at your computer or watching TV. Try to keep everything in separate rooms and divide your snacks into 1 hour portions during the day.

7. Don’t skip breakfast

Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast upon waking tend to weigh more than those who don’t. Skipping meals will make you overeat later in the day so try to develop a habit of eating a balanced breakfast every morning before going to work or school.

8. Get a good night’s sleep – 7-8 hours is optimal

Sleep is very important for our physical, mental and emotional well-being. A good night’s sleep means that you have enough energy throughout the day and that you don’t feel tired and sluggish. Try to get in bed at the same time every night and keep your bedroom as dark as possible.

9. Try meditation

Get some relaxing music, light a candle and sit still for 10-15 minutes. Take deep breaths and clear your mind of any worries or concerns. Meditation can help you get rid of stress, which is extraordinarily important for your overall health as stress can have a serious impact on your body (stress is even linked to cancer). Stress affects your heart rate, it triggers hormones that affect the immune system and your entire body reacts to stress: you may gain weight, have digestive issues and muscular pain. Finding time to meditate every day will help you de-stress, relax and be more productive in the long run.

Remember: the most important thing is to take small steps towards better health every day.


You can start making healthy changes to your lifestyle by just making a few at a time. Start with the ones you can easily do and you will notice yourself feeling better and being in a better mood. 


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