All the Best Hacks for your Favorite Game- Borderlands 2

ben neale zpxKdH xNSI unsplash
ben neale zpxKdH xNSI unsplash

So what are the best hacks for your favorite game, hmmm? I’m glad you asked. 

This article is going to discuss a variety of different hacks that might help you out in-game and throughout the journey. 

It will also include some general tips and tricks to improve your experience with Borderlands 2 as a whole.

First things first, let’s start by discussing some of the most well-known ‘hacks’. This will give a little insight into what these hacks entail.

The first hack is commonly referred to as the ‘No Reload’ hack. This of course means that you do not have to reload your weapon when you run out of bullets. 

It’s a pretty common thing; the only problem is that it, too, is patched up quite a bit. But there are still methods in which to do this. 

I’m not going to outline them here because they are quite complicated and I don’t want you guys risking your accounts just to get this one specific hack. 

If you do want a method that works even today, email me (contact info below).

The second hack is also really well known- the infinite ammo hack. Many people use this hack; it’s fairly simple in comparison to the other one. 

If you run out of ammo, all you have to do is press and hold the reload button. This will always give you more ammo, effectively giving you unlimited ammunition.

Borderlands 2 what do you mean theoretically :

1.How to get infinite gold in Borderlands 2 – Borderlands 2 money

With the help of this hack you can get infinite gold in borderlands 2, as well as achieve a higher level in the game.

 There is no need to unlock any loot chests and it will work with almost every save file. 

You NEED to have played through the entire game, and not just picked up a few random chests from enemies before moving on. Only then will this work.

There are some limitations to this method. First of all, it will only work if you have not saved the game for a certain amount of time. 

After about an hour or so of playing, the game forgets about any chests you may have already opened, and lets you open them again for free.

 I recommend playing for at least 3 hours straight before trying this hack.

2.How to get infinite ammo in Borderlands 2

You can easily get infinite ammo with this hack. You will have to run out of ammo before you can use the cheat though.

 If you load this on a fresh save file and don’t shoot once before reloading, you will get unlimited ammo every time.

3.Get All the best weapons in Borderlands 2 – Borderlands 2 weapon list

With the help of this hack, you can get all the coolest weapons and items for free. You will be able to pick up any weapon from wherever it is in your game and it will be yours permanently. 

To make this work, you need to have a save file from the first Borderlands 2 game, but with no mods on it. If you do not have this old save file, then you can not use this hack.

4.How to get unlimited money in Borderlands 2 – how to get infinite money in borderlands 2

This is probably one of the easiest hacks for anyone that has played borderlands 2 before.

 This is a pretty common hack and most people know how to do this one already, but I’ll go through the steps so everyone can know how it works.

With the help of this hack you will be able to get unlimited money in borderlands 2, as well as achieve a higher level in the game.

 There is no need to unlock any loot chests and it will work with almost every save file. 

You NEED to have played through the entire game, and not just picked up a few random chests from enemies before moving on. Only then will this work.

5.How to get infinite gold in Borderlands 2 – how to get unlimited gold in borderlands 2

This is probably one of the easiest hacks for anyone that has played borderlands 2 before. 

This is a pretty common hack and most people know how to do this one already, but I’ll go through the steps so everyone can know how it works.

There are some limitations to this method. First of all, it will only work if you have not saved the game for a certain amount of time.

After about an hour or so of playing, the game forgets about any chests you may have already opened, and lets you open them again for free. 


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