Beginner’s guide- buried beneath the ground who knows where it’s found

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istockphoto 1314343964 170667a

What is the meaning of fear? It’s how I felt when I saw this game in all its potential horror. But to turn my head and leave would be a false victory.

 With a deep breath, I opened my mac for this adventure.buried beneath the ground who knows where it’s found osrs

This article will give you all the information you need to get started if you are considering playing RuneScape from Java Edition or from Old School Runescape.

 If there’s anything else about these games that we haven’t covered in this guide, drop us a line and we may include it in our next update! Happy gaming!

What is an Old School Run-escape?

An Old School Runescape- Java Edition or iOS is a version of the game that runs on modern operating systems, having been discontinued in favor of an updated version. 

The folks over at Jagex are still actively working to update the game, so be sure to follow them on Twitter if you’re interested in playing!

What is the difference between Old School Runescape and RuneScape?

RuneScape is the original version of Old School runescape that Jagex still supports, but occasionally updates (or “fixes”). 

It’s released on both Java and iOS versions, with Java being more modern. The game was designed with accessibility in mind. It’s also available on Xbox One, but only runs web-based content (for now).

How can I get started?

The way you start playing Old School Runescape is by downloading the game for free on your operating system of choice.

Porting Tools

Jagex has provided tools for Mac and Windows to port the game to other platforms. Mac users will have Mac Porting Tool, while Windows users have WinRAR.

If your operating system is not listed please install one of these free programs to get conversion software.

How to get to the Old School Run-escape?

The easiest way to play Old School Runescape is by using the official RuneScape site. The game is playable right in your browser without download or installation. 

You will need to have Java installed on your computer in order to use the website. If you are already playing RuneScape, you can log-in with your existing account to start playing!

Alternatively, you can install the Sword of Edmond Backsword when logged into your RuneScape account when you are on a desktop computer. 

This will provide an interface for players to connect directly to Old School Runescape. If you are not logged into your RuneScape account, you will need to follow the instructions provided to install the Sword of Edmond Backsword.

What information do I need?

The first thing you’ll want to know is how your username will change. When you log-in to RuneScape, log-in using your username and password for your existing account.

 Then go to “Account Settings” and change the username if necessary.

Old School Runescape username will be unique to each account, but will not change once you’ve started the game.

What OS/Browser is OSRS running?

If you are running OSRS on your desktop or laptop, then you are required to have Java installed. 

You can find the most current version of Java here, with most popular browsers being Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. This tutorial with a quick start guide may help!

Can I move between OSRS and RS Mobile on the same computer?

No. You must have separate computers to play both versions of the game.

What is Old School Runescape Mobile?

Old School Runescape Mobile (OSRS Mobile), is the mobile version of Old School runescape that Jagex has created for users who can’t play on desktop or laptop.

 If you are using a smartphone you will need to install the game on your phone, which can be done in several ways. This tutorial with a quick start guide may help!

Are there any requirements to play?

OSRS is for anyone over the age of 13. You might be asked for your birthday/age during installation, so you may want to withhold this information. 

The game does not require any special devices or equipment to play, just a computer capable of running the game. You can play from home or from school.

What is the best way to get a RuneScape account?

You can create a new account on your computer, or use an existing account if you already have one. If you don’t have an account, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Old School Runescape site and click “Create Account”

2. On the next page, fill in your username and password. You will also need to enter your email address, date of birth (you can choose not to give this information if you don’t want others to know your age) and whether or not you are a kid or an adult.

 If you are under 18, leave these fields blank. After submitting this form, it may seem as though nothing has happened but please be patient. 

You should receive an email shortly asking that you verify your account by clicking on a link sent to the email address provided during the registration process.

3. Upon clicking the link you will be sent to a page where you will be asked to verify your email address. Once your email address has been verified, you will have an account registered with Old School Runescape!


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