Guest Posting: Tips FOR Newbies FROM A Newbie.


Tina Marie Ernspiker is a self-proclaimed blogging newbie, who has been blogging since October 2013, and who just recently got serious about promoting her blog, Los Gringos Locos. Tina proactively found a blog that accepted her first guest post, and is sharing her story via 4 tips that are helping to build her future guest posting strategy.

TIP #1 Write an honest post and give it everything you’ve got! Put your heart on the line. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I submitted my first guest post to Nanahood, six weeks ago and was really happy with how it was received. It made me feel great inside, like I had accomplished something. Everyone enjoys a bit of commendation and recognition once in a while, especially when we put our heart on the line, laying our feelings out for all to read.

A good blogger shares the wins and the losses, and the joys and the heartache, with their readers. The same mental effort should go into a guest post, whether it’s serious, humorous, technical, or a mommy post.

TIP #2 Find a seasoned blog with a decent following in your niche, be proactive, and don’t give up!

I sent Teresa at Nanahood an introduction email offering a topic for a guest post, and was very excited when she replied with a yes! I emailed several other bloggers with the same request, but Teresa was the only one who responded. Don’t be disappointed if it takes a few tries. Don’t give up. Keep looking for someone in your niche. Teresa and I are moms who write; we are from Kentucky, although I now live in Mexico; and she enjoys featuring “Bloggers From Around The World”. With these things in common we were a good fit.

Tip #3 Work out the details beforehand and make sure to thank your host.

I received eleven comments on my first guest post. Not bad for a newbie! I responded to every single one. I don’t know if all those that commented received my responses, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t post and run, and I wanted these potential new readers to know that I appreciated their comments. That’s right, I said “new readers”. When someone lets you guest post, not only are you filling writing space on their blog, but they are giving you free publicity. By including your bio and links, they are helping direct their readers to your blog and social sites, and this deserves a big thank you. Before you accept the guest post, just work out the details so you know exactly what is expected from both sides.

Tip #4 Promote your guest post and practice good etiquette.

Google (and most serious bloggers) are not fans of duplicate content. I didn’t realize this at first… I thought I could just repost my guest post on my blog at a later date, but that’s not usually how things work if your host is asking for original content. Because of this, I figured out a different way to promote my guest posts. Write a teaser post! Just introduce the post, with a description or an image or both, and then direct the reader to your guest post on the original blog you wrote it for. If your readers want to read the piece, they will click the link. It’s more exposure for you and your host. In addition to posting a teaser on your blog you can also promote your guest post via social media.

I have posted for a few sites since Nanahood, and I have a few more scheduled. Currently I am trying to increase my exposure and guest posting is one way I can do this. I truly appreciate the opportunities I have received and the doors that have opened for me. I am very excited to see what comes next in my writing career.

Signing off, Tina

Beyond Your Blog is currently looking for guest posters on the following topics:

Duplicate Content and how it affects Publishing on Other Sites – positives, negatives and tips
My First Featured Post – tales of your first post being published on another site
Rejected! – tales of posts being rejected (humorous, tips, what I learned, list-type posts etc.)
Viral Submissions – stories of posts going viral after being published on other sites
Also accepting pitches for other content that would be of interest to Beyond Your Blog readers – Got a great idea? Pitch us!

READ MORE ABOUT: 100+ Names for ur Gnome.


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