Mumma murphy- game guide

christine roy ir5MHI6rPg0 unsplash
christine roy ir5MHI6rPg0 unsplash

The game has plenty of levels, but you can’t go back to previous levels once you’ve completed them.

 You can pick up items for sale which are usually in the same order every time on a level. There’s a hidden key on each level that unlocks the next level.

The game’s difficulty increases significantly with each level—the more items you collect, the more difficult it becomes.

 Each level has a certain number of points you can acquire, and some levels have hints for finding hidden objects.

You must avoid wasting too much time on levels if you want to make it to the final level. If you’re stuck with an item that doesn’t belong in your house, hit the spacebar repeatedly to go back to your house. 

Mama Murphy will come out of her room and refuse your item. Then she’ll tell you what kind of chair she wants, or something else that doesn’t belong in your house.

This game takes place entirely in the small cottage home of young Mumma Murphy. 

As you walk around the house, you can pick up items for sale, which are usually in the same order every time on a level. 

Once you’ve picked up all the valuable goods that are available, take one or two valuable goods to Mama Murphy in her room. 

She’ll tell you what kind of chair she wants (or something else) and you’ll go back to your house to do some detective work.

When Mama Murphy tells you what kind of chair she wants, look carefully at the background where she is sitting for clues. 

The general area where her gaze is focused will give hints as to what photo or painting could be behind her hanging on the wall.

What kind of chair does Mama Murphy want ?

1. Check the photo above her chair for hints.

2. Take one valuable item to Mama Murphy in her room.

3. When she tells you what kind of chair she wants, look carefully at the background where she is sitting for clues—for example, if she’s looking at a painting of a clown, go to your photo gallery and check the clown painting (the one with the red flower).

 Hit “use” to place it behind her; it will disappear into nowhere and you’ll receive 25 points. 

You then get your valuable item back that you took before (worth money) and can take another item to Mama Murphy.

4. The more valuable items you collect, the more difficult it becomes.

5. Each level has a certain number of points you can acquire, and some levels have hints for finding hidden objects.

6. If you’re stuck with an item that doesn’t belong in your house, hit the space bar repeatedly to go back to your house. 

Mama Murphy will come out of her room and refuse your item—then she’ll tell you what kind of chair she wants (or something else).

 Continue searching until you find it; then take it to her and place it behind her (the item will disappear into nowhere and return to inventory) and receive 25 points for use of “use” command word. She’ll give you another item for sale—and the cycle begins again.

7. The goal of the game is to purchase all the items that are for sale. The more items collected, the more points are earned toward purchasing these items. 

You can’t go back to previous levels once you’ve completed them, so make sure to finish each level with enough time left on the clock to reach the next level.

8. After all of Mama Murphy’s requirements have been met, she’ll unlock the door to her room and vanish into nowhere (this unlocks a hidden key). 

You can now enter her room and take things you weren’t previously allowed to take.

9. One valuable item given to Mama Murphy in her room will allow you to go back to your house if you wish.

10. If it is nighttime, the clock will strike 12 and you will be transported back to day time. The sun-gazing owl will be sitting on the porch.

11. Avoid wasting too much time on levels if you want to make it to the final level – once all items have been purchased, a message will inform you that all items have been purchased and the secret door has been unlocked (this unlocks a hidden key). 

You can now enter Mama Murphy’s room and take things you weren’t previously allowed to take (e.g. the crystal ball at the back of her room).

12. The more valuable items you collect, the more difficult it becomes.

13. To purchase all the items that are for sale, you must earn a total of 1000 points.

 Most levels require between 110-210 points; if you run out of valuable items before you earn all 1000 points, Mama Murphy will vanish into nowhere (her chair will disappear) and time will be up.


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