Top 10 Online Courses to Get Ahead in World

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World-Class Online Courses That Will Get You Ahead in the Game

Are you looking to get ahead of your competitors? Are you afraid that they are getting ahead of 

you? Well, don’t worry. There is always time to learn something new and better than the game. 

This blog post is about some of the best online courses available on YouTube, Udemy, iTunes U, et al for anyone who wants to gain an edge over their competition.

Who are the Big Fish?:

Who are these so-called “big fish” that you are talking about? These are the people who have 

the most to lose. You may have an idea that they are not on your level or that they have already 

made some good investments on you, but there is always a way to beat them. There is always a 

way to win back some of what you lost and another way to acquire more and more and another 

and another and another and another, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

The “big fish” are the people who have the most to lose, but they are also probably some of your biggest supporters.

Who is this blog post about? This blog post is about the people who might just be learning how 

to play this game. This is for you! If you feel that you are already on top of the game, then you 

might want to learn more about what others are doing and how they play this game. This will 

help you better understand what works (which of course also helps with what doesn’t work). But 

if things are not working for you, don’t give up hope because there is always time to get back up on top.

Why this blog post?

The people who are learning how to play this game are usually just starting out. They are just 

trying something out to see if it works for them. So why shouldn’t you try something new, 

especially if you can get it for free? There is no reason not to try something new if the product or 

service is good enough. If the product or service is not good enough, then it will turn out to be a 

negative experience for your business.

Some of the best products and services are being offered for free! And you should definitely 

take advantage of that.

What are some of these best products and services?

A lot of these best courses are being offered for free. And they are offered by some of the best 

teachers in the world. One of the most renowned situation is Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup class 

at Stanford. It was quite popular before it was taken down, but it has been recorded and has 

been put onto Udemy so that anyone who wants to gain an inside look into the minds of some 

successful people who are willing to share their knowledge can watch it. You can also watch all 

of Y Combinator’s lectures on YouTube, which will give you a good look into how tech startups work.

But there are so many other good courses being offered for free on iTunes U, etc. Like the 

course The Top 100 Business Models of All Times by Prof. Ralf Gloger, which is so well 

produced that it deserves to be watched twice or three times to truly appreciate all of the wisdom contained within it.

What are some things that you should keep in mind?

1. What are you doing to stay ahead? Is your business vehicle that strong that you do not need 

anything else? Things change every day and if yours is not keeping pace with those changes, 

then everything is just fine as long as it is keeping pace with what’s coming up next on the horizon.

2. Always keep your eye on the prize. Always ask yourself, “why am I doing this? What is my 

goal?” If you don’t know what your goal is, then just remember that it is to win the game!

3. Think of everything as an opportunity to learn about something new that can help you get ahead of your competition, whether it is positive or negative.

4. Never forget how important a good team is! You cannot succeed without a good team behind you and a good team will always help you succeed. Macl Edge

5. Learn how to be thorough and comprehensive in your research process.

6. Your other enemies: yourself, technology and technology’s enemies (us.)

7. Technology and technology’s enemies (us.) should not deter you from learning new things 

and trying out new things because we can always make improvements to our own technology 

and we must be ready for the changes that will come with the next generation of technology that will come into play.

8. Learn from mistakes and learn from those mistakes that your competitors have been making. 


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