Mind strengthening


A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and while we all want to use our minds as much as possible, we also need to give them a break. Brainstorming can be just as important as taking a break. Sabsetejkhabar.com

This post will give you some pointers on how to strengthen your mind and keep it healthy, both physically and mentally.

1.  Invest in a good night’s sleep.

  Don’t underestimate the power of uninterrupted sleep to recharge your mind and body, as it can provide lightning-like buzzes of energy throughout the day.  This is especially important for those who need to keep working or studying at night to stay ahead in their chosen careers, or for those who need to stay awake during the night due to work commitments.

2.  Feed your mind. 

  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as they say.  While it is important to give your mind a rest from time to time, it is equally important to keep it occupied with new information.  Ideally, one should study or do something new every day.  

And the best way to do this is by eating right and exercising regularly.  As my dad always says, “Eating well is like putting petrol in a car; you want to fill it up before you start driving it.”

3.  Keep your mind sharp by stimulating the senses.

  In the morning and throughout the day, try not to sit down for extended periods of time.  Instead, try engaging in different activities such as walking briskly, doing push-ups, talking aloud or answering incoming texts or emails.  This will help keep your mind active, alert and aware of your surroundings.

4.  Endeavor to have a good work ethic.

  Maintaining a high work ethic helps one not only to maintain a healthy lifestyle but also makes you stand out from the crowd and be the person others want to follow, as it is important for people to listen to you, rather than just take what you say at face value.  

When you are presenting or giving your word, make sure you fully understand what you are saying, as well as the consequences before committing to it.  Never make assumptions and always base your decisions on facts and figures, rather than on hearsay.

5.  Communicate.

 While it is important not to overwhelm people with too much information, it is equally important to convey yourself clearly and concisely in order to avoid miscommunications or misunderstandings. 

 In other words, when making a presentation or taking a test, be sure to focus on what you want the audience to know about you; speaking slowly and clearly will help them focus on what you are sharing with them.

6.  Avoid spreading yourself too thin.

 If you are a person who likes to take on too many different roles and responsibilities in life, try to find a way to scale back.  This is especially important for those who are in the middle of their education and have recently been given multiple responsibilities.  You can’t be everything to everybody, so you need to choose at least one role you want to excel at.

7.  Stay tidy and organized

 Cluttered spaces not only make it difficult on the eyes, but also make it hard for your mind to focus itself when trying to study or do work.  If you are a person who tends to get distracted easily, try to keep your work space as tidy and organized as possible.  This will help better your concentration and attention span.

8.  Document your ideas and thoughts.

  An idea not written down is as good as a lost idea; it’s free, but you don’t own it.  Whether you are having an idea for a book or just want to make a note of an appointment you have made for the day, write it down as soon as possible so that you do not forget about it. 

 It’s also important to read over your notes often and make edits and updates when necessary in order to keep them fresh in your mind.

9.  Be polite and respectful to others, especially seniors.

 While it’s important to remain firm and assertive in your opinions and decisions, it is equally important to respect the opinions of others and be polite, especially when dealing with seniors.  Learn how to address those older or higher up than you with the appropriate titles they deserve.

10.  Don’t procrastinate, but don’t overdo it either.

 Procrastination can be a very bad thing, as if you procrastinate long enough, it can become a habit that will affect you later in life, as well as your career goals. However, I would recommend not overdoing it either by always doing extra assignments right after school and on weekends without any sleep or breaks.


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