Gaming Resources: Helping You Play The Games


The gaming industry is constantly changing and evolving. New hardware, software, and online services are coming out all the time, making it increasingly difficult to keep up with everything that’s happening. Throughout history though, people have always had help from one another in understanding what was happening in the industry. Today there are dozens of websites that can provide you with all the information you need to become a successful gamer at any level. From YouTube videos to articles covering every single aspect of gameplay mechanics, these websites suggested in this mobile gaming blog can make sure you never feel lost or cheated again when playing video games.

On this page we’ll cover a variety of tools and resources that will be useful to any gamer. Some of these websites are free to use for you, while others will require a subscription fee from you. Whatever your budget, we’re sure there’s a website that can help you learn what you need to know about the games you love.

MMO With Friends With Benefits 

The MMO with Friends with Benefits Network is made up of over 250 top-quality MMO video games. They work hard to provide accurate information about each game and give gamers the ability to find and play the games they enjoy most. They also allow gamers to organize group game sessions that are always fun and never boring.

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GameSpot was founded right after the online gaming revolution began, and has been working tirelessly to maintain their current #1 ranking as the number one game destination on the Internet. They cover all aspects of gaming culture, providing interesting articles about every part of the industry. In addition to their extensive written content they also offer a number of great video series as well as a constantly updated database with playlists from our 35+ years of video game programming experience.


Today’s gamer can learn almost anything about video games with a simple search on YouTube. There are hundreds of great instructional videos covering every aspect of the gaming experience. If you’re getting tired of watching how to play games or simply don’t have time to sit through hours of videos, tutorials are an easy alternative that allows you to access quick, concise videos for each game.


Shacknews is home to thousands of console and mobile game reviews, interviews with the top game developers, and countless posts that provide gamers with all the latest news about upcoming games. They also cover a wide range of topics from industry news and events to inside information on some of the most popular titles on the market.

The Escapist 

The Escapist is one of the most popular video game websites on the web. Their mission is to help gamers enjoy video games in a smarter, more enjoyable way, and they do this with great articles, videos, podcasts and game reviews. The website covers everything ranging from news to detailed game analysis so there’s always something for you to check out at The Escapist.

Official Xbox Magazine 

If you’re looking for information about Microsoft consoles, Official Xbox Magazine is your one-stop shop. With a focus on Xbox games, the magazine provides detailed reviews of the latest games as well as tips and tricks for getting more fun out of your gaming experience. Don’t have an Xbox? Not a problem. Official Xbox Magazine also covers the newest developments in the mobile gaming industry so you can learn how to become a pro at games on your smartphone as well.


Metacritic is a website that allows you to view information about all the video games that are released each year. The site has been providing this service since 2001 and has become one of the most trusted sources for consumers who want to learn more about new titles before they buy them. They offer a list of the games that have been reviewed with a score for each title. In addition to this, they also offer their own list of the top 100 video games of all time as determined by their scores from millions of users.

The Escapist Forums 

The Escapist forums are an essential tool for the gamer looking to discuss anything related to gaming. You can visit the forums and ask questions about any game that you’re interested in or just talk about what you’re currently playing. Visit The Escapist forums and find out what other gamers think, and more importantly, how they can help you improve your skills at your favorite games.


GamingBolt is another popular website that provides gamers with a variety of great articles and interviews on all aspects of the video game industry. They cover some of the latest games and provide in-depth analyses of some of the most popular titles on the market. In addition to this, they also offer tips and tricks on how to get more fun out of your gaming experience by taking full advantage of all the new features available in video games today.


GameFAQs is one of the oldest gamer communities online. Since 1998 they have been offering gamers an essential resource for obtaining information about new and old games alike.


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