Research on Men’s Health

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It’s not just about identifying risks and opportunities, it’s about implementing the changes that will bring men the healthiest lives. We are committed to using research to make that happen.

This article is for all of you who are looking for very informative blog post on different topics like cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, etc.

 If you are science enthusiast and interested in knowledge about male reproductive system and prostate cancer, then this article is just for you.

In medicine, there is a long history of studies that have been focused on the risk factors for prostate cancer development.

 Research has been looking into whether cancer is caused by genetics or environment. 

research for men’s health acurian  has been focusing on genetic risk factors such as family history of cancer, age at diagnosis of a first cancer, and time between cancers with a family history of prostate cancer. 

research has been looking at the risk factors related to the environment, namely diet.

Research has shown that there are several risk factors for developing prostate cancer.

 The most well known risk factor is age, but other known high risk factors are high blood volume, high red blood cell volume, obesity, high fat intake, high fat intake early in life, low vitamin D level and low calcium level in the blood.

High red blood cell volume can be caused by too much iron in the body. Iron absorption is dependent on how much energy there is in the body. An energy shortage will lead to a reduced iron absorption. 

This can be due to loss of appetite or depression or any other form of malnutrition.

Points about men’s health :

1. Men have a tendency to have a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer than women

2. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death for men in the United States, and can result in a life threatening situation for men

3. Men with a high red blood cell volume and iron deficiency may be at an increased risk of prostate cancer and early death testosterone online clinic

4. Men who take medications that are known to cause problems with sexual function are also at an increased risk of prostate cancer

5. Testosterone levels in men have been found to decrease after age 40, which may be one reason for the higher incidence of prostate cancer in older men. 

Decreased testosterone is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, cholesterol abnormalities, heart disease, changes in cholesterol levels while on medication for these disorders ,and many other factors. 

Low testosterone has also been associated with less muscle mass and possible decreased functioning of the heart muscle.

6. Heat can damage the prostate. Source

7. People with obesity are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer, as are men who have developed diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Source

8. Low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer Source

9. Low calcium levels are associated with higher rates of prostate cancer, particularly for men over the age of 65. Source

10. Men who have a family history of prostate cancer are at an increased risk for developing this condition, usually beginning in their 40s or 50s. Source

11. One of the most significant risk factors for developing prostate cancer is the African American race, particularly African American men over the age of 50.

 These individuals are more likely to develop aggressive types of prostate cancer that are difficult to treat and that can be fatal. Source

12. Obesity is on the rise around the world, especially in developed countries where consumption of fast food has become widespread. 

Obesity is linked to diabetes and heart disease, the two biggest causes of death for men. Source

13. A study done on African American men found that prostate cancer was associated with higher levels of iron, which may explain why this group had such a high risk of developing this type of cancer. Source

14. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death for men in the United States, and is also associated with an increased risk for developing prostate cancer and heart disease. Source

15. Another recently discovered association between diabetes and prostate cancer is that diabetic men are more likely to contract the most aggressive types of prostate cancer than non-diabetic men, who develop more slow-growing forms of this disease. Source

16. The link between diabetes and prostate cancer is not fully understood, since the exact mechanisms by which diabetes may contribute to this cancer is not yet known.

 It is suspected that genetic factors may be involved. Source

17. Obesity has been linked to the development of aggressive forms of prostate cancer in men, which are more likely to spread to other organs in the body. Source

18. African American men are more likely than Caucasian men to develop aggressive forms of prostate cancer ,and this fact may be due in part to genetic reasons. Source

19. Obesity can cause iron deficiency, which can lead to prostate cancer. Source

20. Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, particularly among men who had the disease at an early age. Source


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